Today in History:

922 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 922 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND., SW. VA.

I have not respectfully to renew the recommendation submitted in November last, and to suggest that Brigadier-General Pillow be appointed to the office of the department proposed, and, as it is important to give to his labors the greatest Efficiency, I suggest that he be promoted to the office of major-general. No officer could have proved himself more capable, faithful, and efficient than General Pillow has done in the performance of the duties assigned him by General Bragg in Department t Numbers 2, and it is not to be doubted that his zeal and efficiency would in the larger sphere by additional promotion. My well-considered opinion is that if General Pillow were made a major-general, and placed at the head of such a bureau, with larger powers, no measures be devised which could compare with this for increasing and strengthening the armies of the Confederacy. He has a peculiar fitness for such an office, and possesses a communication of faculties and qualifications which make him specially suited to its duties; and his industry and energy would make his presence promptly felt. I have been informed that the duties assigned General Pillow by General Bragg, in Department Numbers 2, of which I have been speaking and which, were suspended by the War Department, have been renewed by and order from the same Department. The proposition now submitted looks only to the extension of General Pillow's field of labor, with increased rank, to the whole Confederacy. The machinery and experience necessary are already in his possession, and I believe he could manage the whole field as easily as he could a part.

Under a deep conviction that the measure proposed would be productive of the most important and valuable results, at this trying crisis, in increasing and strengthening our armies, I venture to present and press in on the attention of the War Department.

U have the honor to be, general, respectfully, your obedient servant,




CHATTANOOGA, July 22, 1863.

My views on this subject are fully before the Department. We cannot retrieve the losses the past, but prompt adoption of the remedies suggested may do much to save the future.


General, Commanding.


July 28, 1863.

Respectfully submitted tot eh Secretary of War:


Assistant Adjutant-General.


The machinery here suggested is the same that exists in the bureau of conscription. The recommendation is substantially to place General Pillow at the head of that bureau, and, instead of disabled and infirm officers, to give efficient and select officers as assistants in the various departments. The latter would undoubtedly be an improvement on the present plan, but the commanders of the army have not been willing to submit to such details. It is worthy of consideration whether is would ot be advisable to strengthen the hands of the bureau of conscription

Page 922 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND., SW. VA.