Today in History:

944 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 944 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA.


Wiggins' (Arkansas) battery, Lieutenant A. A. Blake.


First Brigade.

Colonel B. W. DUKE,

2nd Kentucky, Major T. B. Webber.

5th kentucky, Colonel D. H. Smith.

6th Kentucky, Colonel J. Warren Grigsby.

9th Kentucky, Colonel W. c. P. Bricknrindge. Ward's (9th Tennessee) regiment, Colonel W. W. Ward.

Second Brigade.

Colonel R. S. CLUKE.

8th Kentucky, Colonel R. S. Cluke.

10th Kentucky, Colonel A. R. Johnson.

Chenault's regiment, Colonel D. W. Chenault.

Gano's regiment, Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Huffman.


Kentucky Battery, Captain E. P. Byrne.


Brigadier General P. D. RODDEY.

5th Alabama Cavalry, Colonel Josiah Patterson.

53 d Alabama Cavalry, Colonel M. W. Hannon.

Roddey's cavalry regiments, Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Johnson.

Unorganized troops, Captain W. R. Julian.

Georgia Battery, Captain C. B. Ferrell.


Brigadier General NATHAN B. FORREST.

First Brigade.+

Brigadier General F. C. ARMSTRONG.

3rd Arkansas, Colonel A. W. Hobson.

2nd Kentucky, Lieutenant Colonel T. G. Woodward.

1st [6th] Tennessee, Colonel J. T. Wheller.

McDonald's battalion, Major Charles McDonald.

Escort company, Captain John Bradley.

Second Brigade.

Colonel N. N. NOX.

4th Tennessee, Major W. S. McLemore.

8th [13th] Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel F. H. Daugherty.

9th [19th] Tennessee, Colonel J. B. Biffle.

10th Tennessee.

11th Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel D. W. Holman.

Escort company, Captain T. J. Cray.


Tennessee Battery, Captain S. L. Freeman.

Tennessee Battery, Captain J. W. Morton, jr.



1st Louisiana, Lieutenant Colonel F. M. Kent.

Alabama Battery, Captain C. L. Lumsden.

Georgia Battery, Captain T. L. Massenburg.

Havis'(Georgia) battery, Lieutenant J. R. Duncan.

Missouri Battery, Captain O. W. Barret.

Orleans Guard Artillery,++ Lieutenant N. O. Lauve.


* Reported on engineer return as " on detachment service; effective, 2,743." The above appears to have been the composition of Morgan's command when he set out on the raid.

+ Colonel G. G. Dibrell reported in command, July 20.

++ Note on return for July 20 says, " By Special Orders, Numbers 183, from army headquarters, all numbers of the Orleans Guard Battery were detached from Barret's battery, and were reorganized under the conscription at, forming a new company."


Page 944 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA.