946 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Page 946 | Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. |
Third Brigade (headquarters Cumberland Gap).
Brigadier General ARCH. CRACIE, Jr.
43th Alabama, Colonel Y. M. Moody.
1st Baltimore Alabama Legion, Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Holt.
2nd Battalion Alabama Legion, Lieutenant Colonel B. Hall, jr.
3rd Battalion Alabama Legion, Lieutenant Colonel J. W. A. Sanford.
4th Battalion Alabama Legion, Major J. D. McLennan.
- Kentucky Battalion, Captain Joseph Desha.
62th North Carolina, Colonel R. G. A. Love.
63rd Tennessee. Colonel R. G. Fain
Kentucky Squadron, Captain James A. Pursifull.
Siler's company North Carolina cavalry, Capt Julius T Siler.
Baxter's battery, Captain E. D. Baxter.
Kain's battery, Captain W. C. Kain.
Four Brigade (headquarters Zollicoffer, Tenn.).
Brigadier General A. E. JACKSON.
Thomas' regiment, Colonel W. H. Thomas.
Walker's battalion, Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Walker.
16th Georgia Cavalry (battalion), Lieutenant Colonel S. J. Winn.
McClung's battery, Lieutenant J. L. Pearcy.
Rhett Artillery, Captain W. H. Burroughs.
Fifth Brigade (headquarters Bell's Brigade).
Brigadier General J. W. FRAZER.
55th Georgia, Lieutenant Colonel A. W. Persons.
58th North Carolina, Colonel J. B. Palmer.
64th North Carolina, Major Thomas P. Jones.
Kolb's battery, Captain R. F. Kolb.
First Cavalry Brigade (headquarters Ebenezer, Tenn.).
Brigadier General JOHN PEGRAM.
1st Georgia, Colonel J. J. Morrison.
6th Georgia, Colonel John R. Hart.
7th North Carolina Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel G. N. Folk.
1st Tennessee, Colonel J. E. Carter.
Rucker's Legion, Colonel E. W. Rucker.
Huwald's battery, Captain Gus. A. Huwald.
Second Cavalry Brigade (absent in Kentucky).
Colonel JOHN S. SCOTT.
10th Confederate, Colonel C. T. Goode.
1st Louisiana, Lieutenant Colonel J. O. Nixon.
5th North Carolina Battalion, Major A. H. Baird.
2nd Tennessee, Lieutenant Colonel H. C. Gillespie.
5th Tennessee, Colonel G. W. McKenzie.
Marshall's battery, Captain W. R. Marshall.
Knoxville, August 1, 1863.Major General SAMUEL JONES, Dublin, Va.:
GENERAL: Your communication of yesterday is just received. Your letter to the War Department, in reference to the defenses of Saltiville, was referred by the Secretary of War to the chief engineer, and came down to me indorsed with an order to send my engineer to throw up defenses at Saltville. I complied with the order, supposing, of course, that you had been advised of the facts. At the same time I represented to the Secretary of War the anomalous position in which both you and I had been placed by the order. I was charged with the fortification of a position where I could no orders: you were charged with the defense of fortifications over the construction of which you had no control. I referred to my understanding of the interview between you, the Secretary, and myself, and asked a solution of the question by explicit orders. First. Either to leave the question of the defense to yourself, as you commanded the force at Saltville, and were charged by the Secretary with the duty of holding a force there and of sustaining it, or secondly, if I should be held responsible for the safety of the place, as I had no troops disposable, it would be proper to transfer to General Preston's command the force usually kept by you to sustain the Salt-Works. Either of these solutions, I remarked, would be satisfactory to me. I would prefer, on account of the already great extent of my department, the former; but I stated it was due to both of us that the
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