970 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II
Page 970 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |
commanding division, to relieve the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, who were out of ammunition, and closely pressed by the Second Arkansas rebel regiment.
As soon as the regiment emerged from an orchard about 400 yards from the rebel line, they opened a heavy fire upon my regiment; but, in good order and at double-quick time, the regiment pressed forward and gained a fence, from which the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania had retired, and opened fire upon the rebels, and in a few minutes they were compelled to retire over a hill.
The firing having ceased on both sides, as soon as the men were restored, I ordered Company F, under command of First Lieutenant Westcott, to be deployed as skirmishers, and to ascend the hill to ascertain the whereabouts of the rebels, and they soon sent me the flag of the rebel regiment, with the word that there was no enemy in sight, and that there were 14 dead and 2 wounded rebels on the hill in our front.
In crossing the field, we lost 1 killed, 1 mortally wounded, and 11 wounded. The regiment that night lay in line with their arms, Companies F and G being thrown out as pickets.
The next morning, 26th, the regiment moved to the right of our former position, and remained in line at that point about one hour, when, by order of General Carlin, we moved to the left, about three-fourths of a mile, to the opposite side of the hill. In obedience to the orders of General Carlin, four companies (A, under Captain Wells; b, under Captain White; G, under Lieutenant Chapman, and K, under Lieutenant B. W. Harris), under command of Major Alden, were sent out as skirmishers, with instructions to ascertain the strength and position of the enemy in our front. I was instructed to hold the balance of the regiment in readiness, and in case the skirmishing became heavy to advance to a fence about 200 yards to our front.
In a few minutes the firing commenced, and soon became heavy, when that portion of the regiment with me was advanced to the fence. When we arrived there the firing had ceased, but was soon recommenced with great spirit, and I ordered the battalion to fire, which attracted the attention of the rebels and drew their fire. The particulars of the skirmishing will appear more fully by the report of Major Alder sent herewith.* Our loss in the skirmish was 1 killed and 6 wounded. A list of the killed and wounded is transmitted herewith.
I am happy to state that the officers and men behaved well, marching in rain and mud cheerfully and without complaint.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel thirty-eight Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
GLADE SPRING, [VA.,] July --, 1863.
(Received at Dublin, July 23.)
Returned last night. Killed 17 Yankees; captured 30; recaptured Stollings' company, a number of negroes, and several hundred beef-cattle they were driving out of Abb's Valley. Would have captured the whole Yankee force if I had had 400 more cavalry. We had 3 killed.
*Not found.
Page 970 | KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV. |