Today in History:

437 Series III Volume I- Serial 122 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports



Philadelphia, Pa., August 21, 1861.


Washington City, D. C.:

GENERAL: I have the honor to state that I have forwarded to your office to-day the following telegram:

The limitation in time for the muster of Lieutenant-Colonel Badger's regiment, Colonel Conroy's regiment, and some others has expired. Many have not a single man mustered in. Badger has one company only. What shall be done in these cases?

The inclosed abstract will show the condition and progress of all the regiments ordered by you to be mustered in in this city. Some two or three of these had small squads mustered in yesterday. Is is hardly possible that all or even half the regiments ordered will be filled up within the next sixty days, whereas several regiments can be got ready for the field in a few days if these scattered companies are consolidated. A rendezvous hired for every regiment will entail a large, and in my opinion a useless expenditure.

Colonel Chantry has six companies mustered in; Colonel Chorman has four companies cavalry mustered in; Colonel Lujeane has four companies infantry mustered in; Lieutenant-Colonel Badger has one company infantry mustered in; Colonel Conroy has none; Colonel Schimmelfennig has one company mustered in; Colonel Birney has five companies mustered in; Colonel Miller has two companies mustered in; Colonel Bohlen has three companies mustered in; Colonel Gregory has squads of three companies; Colonel Ballier has one company mustered in; Colonel Guss has one company reported ready at West Chester; Colonel Geary's additional companies, two mustered in; Colonel Jones has none; Koltes has one company mustered in; Colonel McLean has none; Colonel Owen attached to Colonel Baker's brigade; Colonel Staunton has none; Colonel Reid has none; Colonel Friedman has ten companies cavalry mustered in; Colonel Rush has none; Colonel McReynolds has one company cavalry mustered in; Colonel Young has five companies cavalry mustered in; Colonel Harlan has one company mustered in; Colonel Bryan, New Jersey, has none; Colonel Leech has none; Colonel Gosline has none.

The above represents the organization thus far of the several regiments directed to be mustered in here.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Army, Mustering Officer.


Washington City, D. C., August 21, 1861.

Governor YATES,

Springfield, Ill.:

Thanks for your promptness. Accept all that offer, provided they can be ready immediately.


Secretary of War.