860 Series III Volume I- Serial 122 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
Answer. Infantry.a
Question 4. Similar details as to all two or three years' volunteer troops raised within the limits of Massachusetts upon what has been termed "independent acceptances?"
Answer. Prior to September 16, 1861, which was the date of the issue of General Orders, Numbers 78, of the War Department of the United States for the past year, all attempts to raise troops in this State by individuals on what you style "independent acceptances" proved abortive, and there are no corps now in the field which were raised in this State under any other superintendence than that of the State government. But since the date of that order Major General Butler, U. S. Volunteers, in
aIt will be noticed that in numbering the infantry regiments the numbers three, four, five, six, and eight have been omitted, those having been the numbers of the militia regiments furnished by this State to the General Government in April for three- months' service.
Streng- Streng- Streng-
Numb- th when th when th when
er of transfe Number of transfe transfe
regi- rred to regiment. rred to rred to
ment. General General General
Govern- Govern- Govern-
ment. ment. ment.
1st. 1,120 25th. 1,025 Artillery
2nd. 1,072 26th. 1,040 ies):
7th. 1,043 27th. 958 1st. 150
9th. 1,067 28th.a 945 2nd. 157
10th. 1,045 29th. 808 3rd. 155
11th. 1,055 Battalion at 476 4thb. 157
Fort War-
12th. 1,058 ren. 5th. 156
13th. 1,038 Company at 98
Fort Mon-
14th. 1,045 roe. Total of 775
15th. 1,137 Six companies 500
in New
16th. 1,064 York Sharpshooters
regiments. (compa-
17th. 1,003 nies):
18th. 996 Total of 25,246 1st. 102
19th. 926 2nd. 104
20th. 757
21st. 958 Cavalry: Total of 206
22nd. 1,033 1st Regiment. 1,101 shooters.
23rd. 1,004
24th. 975 Total of 1,101
aIn the table of infantry the present strength of the Twenty- eighth Regiment is given, and that regiment is enumerated as if it had already left the State, it being under orders to leave on Saturday next, and proceed to Fort Columbus, N. Y., and there to report to Colonel Loomis, U. S. Army, commanding.
bIn the table of artillery the strength of the Fourth Battery is computed from observation and from unofficial papers, that battery having been removed from this State by Major-General Butler, without any notice being given to the Governor, without any officers having been commissioned, and without any proper rolls of any description having been deposited in the office of the adjutant-general of the Commonwealth, of which facts the Adjutant-General of the U. S. Army was advised by the Governor under date of November 27.
Besides the troops thus above enumerated it is estimated that upward of 2,000 men have been enlisted from Massachusetts chiefly into New York regiments, of whom about 300 are in what is called the Union Coast Guard Regiment, now at Fortress Monroe.
Infantry, twenty-four regiments and twelve companies ..... 25,246
Cavalry, one regiment .................................... 1,101
Artillery, five battery companies ........................ 775
Sharpshooters, two companies ............................. 206
Grand total .............................................. 27,328