Today in History:

931 Series III Volume I- Serial 122 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


Maryland, I will ask the favor that] it be communicated to me at Annapolis by an order that will leave no doubt on the subject. Assuming that I should be charged with his duty, there is another subject connected with it which will require some action by the War Department in reference [to] the present condition of Third Maryland Regiment. The officers of this regiment were appointed by [the Gove]rnment, and subsequently commissioned by my [predecessor], Governor Hicks. Within the last month the colonel [(J. C. McCon]nell) has been removed by the War Department, [and ap]plications de to me not only [to] fill his place, but also the places of the -colonel and major of the same regiment upon the ground, as I understand, that they are not considered as suitable officers, or were not properly appointed. This may be true, but as they were not appointed by me, nor by my predecessor, if I am to fill their places some action on the part of the Government to vacate them will be an indispensable preliminary even in the case of McConnell, who has been removed. No report to that effect has been received at the executive department of Maryland, and from what I learn from General Cooper, commanding the brigade, that regiment is now full, and it is important that its officers should be appointed with as little delay as possible. In case, therefore, these appointments should be devolved on me, I would request not merely [an] order to that effect, but if others are to be appointed in place of the present lieutenant-colonel and major it would be necessary that some order or action of the Department superseding them should also be forwarded to me. I would take this occasion respectfully to suggest whether the several regiments raised in Ma[ryland] and now stationed at different points in the State [should] not be more efficiently drilled and prepared fo[r active] service by congregating them at some central point, say, Baltimore or Annapolis, instead of leaving them [scattered], as at present, in detachments at different [points] that hardly now require thei presence.*

I have the honor to be, very respectfully,


WASHINGTON, March 17, 1862.


DEAR SIR: Inclosed is a letter from General Cooper asking active service for himself and the Maryland troops raised by him. I think the reasons he assigns have weight, and he himself has claims to be considered in the matter by the Department. If compatible with the public service, I should rejoice to see the order given which he asks. There is in some quarters so great a tendency to impute want of patriotism to Southern men that I think a deman like this, made to vindicate them from such aspersions, should be heeded by the Government, serving to show that patriotism is of all latitudes.

Yours, truly,



318 Lombard Street, Baltimore, March 13, 1862.

DEAR JUDGE: I have been frequently on the point of writing and asking your aid in procuring active service for the Maryland volunteer regiments, recruited under the authority conferred on me by the


*Original badly torn.
