Today in History:

943 Series III Volume I- Serial 122 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


No steps were taken toward this object except to have the projected line examined by a competent person, and some railroad iron purchased. Over 900 tons of iron were delivered at Pittsburg under the purchase, which is not sufficient for the presen the line of the Potomac to which it is being applied, s risen very much since the purchase was made. The purchase made and the work contemplated has been purely for military operations and under military command.

No other railroad constructions than those mentioned have been contemplated by the War Department, nor any steps taken toward such an object since the Department has been in my charge, except to direct the road from Harper's Ferry to Winchester to be put in order and placed under military direction. But upon the requisition of Major-General McClellan orders have been given to provide rolling-stock, and prepare means for railroad transportation and repairs, the particulars whereof it is not deemed proper now to mention.

The answer to the resolution of the Senate has been delayed until an examination and report in respect to the road in Kentucky and Tennessee could be had, in order to determine what steps in relation thereto might be expedient. This communication is addressed to the Senate in executive session because the matter, while proper for the information of the Senate, is deemed unadvisable to be made public.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Secretary of War.


Washington City, D. C., March 22, 1862.

Honorable W. H. SEWARD,

Secretary of War:

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge your reference of the proposition of Mr. Michael J. Adams to raise an Irish regiment of regulars, and by direction of the Secretary of War to inform you that there being a sufficient force already in service he cannot authorize the raising of any more regiments. The papers inclosed by you are herewith returned.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Secretary of War.


Washington, March 22, 1862.

His Excellency JOHN A. ANDREW,

Governor of Massachusetts:

SIR: Your communication of the 10th instant to the Honorable J. B. Alley, House of Representatives, has been placed in my hands, and I have the honor to reply as follows thereto:

Provision has recently been made by Congress for the continuance of work on the permanent defenses of the coast of Massachusetts for a year or more to come-at Boston and New Bedford on the forts now in progress at those places. This provision is sufficient to complete the forts now under construction at Boston, and to afford material progress