282 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
and rations now alloldiers, according to their respective grades: Provided, That persons of African descent, who under this law shall be employed, shall receive ten dollars per month and one ration, three dollars of which monthly pay may be in clothing.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That medical purveyors and store-keepers shall give bonds in such sums as the Secretary of War may require, with security to be approved by him.
Approved July 17, 1862.
(XII. PUBLIC-Numbers 167.)
AN ACT to allow and pay to the State of Missouri the amount of money expended by said State in the arming and paying of troops employed in the suppression of insurrection against the laws of the United States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Missouri shall be entitled to a credit against the direct tax apportioned to said State by the "Act to provide increased revenue form imports to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, for all sums of money expended by said State in the arming, equipping, subsisting and paying of troops organized under the ordinances of the convention of said State, passed during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and employed in concert with the Federal authorities in suppressing insurrection against the United States, and enforcing the laws thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount due to said for moneys so expended, the Secretary of War shall, immediately after the passage of this act, by commissions or otherwise, cause the accounts to be examined, and report made to him of the amount due,which, being approved by amount thereof shall be allowed to said State, and deducted from the amount apportioned thereto by the aforesaid act, and the remainder only, if any, shall be collected as therein prescribed: Provided, That, in the adjustment of accounts under this act, no greater rate of compensation shall be allowed than was provided for by the laws of the United States applicable to the arming, equipping, subsisting, and payment of volunteers, in force at the time of enrolment of such troops of Missouri.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if said State shall assume and pay into the Treasury the balance of said direct tax, if any, at such time as may be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury,or should said expenditures be found to be equal to the tax, the deduction or discount of fifteen per centrum, as prescribed in the fifty-third section of the said recited act, shall be allowed on the whole amount thus apportioned.
Approved July 17, 1862.
A RESOLUTION to suspend all payments under the act approved twenty-fifth of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act to secure to the officers and men actually employed in the Western Department, or Department of Missouri, their pay, bounty, and pension," and for other purposes. (See General Orders, Numbers 31.)
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed and sixty-two, entitled "An act to secure to the officers and men actually employed in the Western Department, or Department of Missouri, their pay, bounty and pension," and that there shall be appointed by the President, immediately after the passage of this resolution, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, three commissioners, to examine all claims arising under the provisions of that act, and report the same, with the facts connected therewith, to the Secretary of War; said commissioners to have such compensation for their services as the Secretary of War may consider just and reasonable: Provided, That said commissioners shall be required to examine and report within sixty days after the passage of this resolution upon all such claims as may be presented by persons claiming to have been organized or employed in the State of Missouri and to have performed service according to the provisions of the said recited act, whereupon payments shall be made as recommended by said commissioners and as required by said act: And provided further, shall examine and report upon all other claims arising under the act aforesaid, when payments shall be made as herein prescribed.
Approved July 12, 1862.