Today in History:

450 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


BRATTLEBOROUGH, VT., August 23, 1862-4.20 p. m.

(Received 5.30 p. m.)

Honorable E. M. STANTON:

New enrollment of militia of Vermont ordered to be made by board of listers of towns and returned to adjutant-general of the State on the 25th instant. Shall be ready on the 3rd of September to carry the draft into effect, but expect prior to that day to have quotas of towns raised by voluntary action of the people, and tendered to State authorities in lieu of drafted men. If it appears that all have nearly but not quite accomplished that, but could accomplish it with a few days" more time, we should be glad of that extension.


Governor of Vermont.

MADISON, WIS., August 23, 1862-11 a. m.

(Received 1.55 p. m.)

Honorable E. M. STANTON,

Secretary of War:

In reply to yours, our Twentieth Regiment awaits your orders. Your call upon us to supply 5,904 men, wanted 30th of August for our old regiments, is understood to be entirely outside of the 11,904 called for as our part of the last 300,000 men, and that the balance wanted for old regiments is to be drafted. Is this right; and if so, why is it not better to extend the time for volunteering to fill the old regiments? The work is going on well, and we should fill all by volunteers for three years or the war. Have you not power to provide for subjecting to draft some clases exempt by State laws? All active firemen and regired firemen in the militia are exempt by State laws. All active firemen and retired firemen, and all officers who are or have been commissioned in the militia are exempt by our laws. It works great hardship. We have a very large number of these paper officers who ought not to be exempt. Make an order if you can, or give me the power.


Governor of Wisconsin.

MADISON, WISS., August 23, 1862-9 p. m.

(Received 12.20 a. m. 24th.)

Honorable C. P. BUCKINGHAM:

In reply to yours of this date, I would say that a special enrollment of militia was ordered and instructions sent out August 10, but some sections of this State have no railroads or telegraphs, and cannot be reached in less than a fortnight by mail. The turns were ordered to be made by 1st of September at furthest. It will take some time to collate returns when made. We cannot possibly carry into effect the order for September 3, but will do it as soon as possible thereafter. You do not yet give me the destination of our Twentieth Regiment.


Governor of Wisconsin.