Today in History:

498 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


[Inclosure Numbers 1.] DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, June 24, 1862.

Honorable WILLIAM STUART, &c.:

SIR: Having been informally apprised that Mr. Coppell, Her Britannic Majesty's acting consul at New Orleans, had deemed it advisable to relinquish his official function in consequence of a letter addressed to him by Major-General Butler, issued, it is presumed, through some misapprehension, I do not think the facts of the case justified General Butler in writing that letter. I will than you, therefore, to request that gentleman to resume his consular character, the supposed cause of the abandonment of which is regretted. The Secretary of war has been requested to issue proper orders upon the subject to General Butler.

I have the honor to be, sir, your very obedient servant,


[Inclosure Numbers 2.] WASHINGTON, June 25, 1862.


SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of yesterday, informing me that you had learned that Mr. Coppell the British acting consul at New Orleans, had relinquished his official functions in consequence of a letter written to him through some presumed misapprehension by General Butler, and requesting me to instruct Mr. Coppell to resume his consular character, inasmuch as you do not think the facts of the case justified the general in writing that letter,a nd as the supposed cause of Mr. Coppell's abandonment of his consulate is regretted. It will be my duty to take the earliest opportunity of submitting this note to Her Majesty's secretary of state for foreign affairs. Under the circumstances, however, which your describe, I shall take upon myself to authorize Mr. Coppell to resume his official functions.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


[Inclosure Numbers 3.] DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, August 20, 1862.

Honorable WILLIAM STUART, &C.:

SIR: In the matter of the seizure in New Orleans of certain sugars, made by the order of Major-General Butler and claimed by certain Greek, English, and other forcing, merchants, I have the honor to state that the same under the authority of the Present, was investigated by the Honorable Revery Johnson during his recent mission to New Orleans, and that he has reported to this Department that the sugars should be restored. This report having been approved by the President, directions will be given to the major-general or to the commanding officer of the United States at New Orleans to restore the sugars to the claimants. A copy of so much of Mr. Johnson's report as relates to the transaction is herewith inclosed for your information.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, sir, your obedient servant,