662 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
removed Colonel Jackson because a board reported him to be incompetent. I removed a surgeon because he was reported to have abandoned the wounded on the field of battle. I have accepted very many resignations, which I could not od if the troops were in the service of the United States.
I have constantly acted upon the belief that they are State troops. Yet I have had no personal feeling in the matter, and if to-day it were deemed best to risk disturbing them in their operations against the enemy by proposing to them to be mustered into the service of the United States, I have not the slightest objection to their being so mustered with their consent.
In whatever service they now are they have kept the promise I made to the President when we made the agreement, and in any service which they may enter hereafter they will be active, gallant soldiers.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
COLUMBUS, OHIO, October 10, 1862.
Honorable E. M. STANTON:
Upon satisfactory evidence that a drafted man belongs to a church the creed of which forbids self-defense or the use of arms, you will discharge him upon the payment to you of the sum of $200. All sums thus received you will pay over to Quartermaster-General Wright and take his receipt therefor.
Above you have a copy of my order relating to non-resistant, which I beg you to approve. Thousands of dollars have already been paid. With this fund I can hire substitutes for the full number discharged and have a large surplus left, which I purpose using in the care of our sick and wounded.
HARRISBURG, PA., October 10, 1862.
Honorable E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War:
When men are drafted for nine months, can we muster them into volunteer regiments for three years or in old regiments if they are willing? I suggest it would be better to take them thus, but wish instructions, which please give me to-day.
Governor of Pennsylvania.
[OCTOBER 12, 1862.-For Stanton to Wright, in relation to irregularities committed by provost-marshals in Kentucky, see Series II, Vol. IV, p. 616.]
Washington City, October 13, 1862.
General M. C. MEIGS,
GENERAL: As the inclement season is approaching it is necessary that every exertion in the power of the Government should be employed