764 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Brevet Brigadier-General and Colonel of Engineers.
HARRISBURG, PA., November 11, 1862.
Honorable E. M. STANTON:
Four thousand arms and equipments are required at Philadelphia, 10,000, at this place, and 5,000 at Pittsburg. No other supplies are required here. I will ascertain if any are needed at the other depots, but suppose not, as the general order directed that clothing should be promptly provided for the drafted men. Two regiments are organized in Philadelphia; four will be here by evening. No report from Pittsburg as yet. The organizations progress at the camps very satisfactorily, but the men from some of the counties come in but slowly. Berks is behind 500 men.
Washington, November 12, 1862
Honorable E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:
SIR: In accordance with regulations, I have the honor to submit the annual report of the operations of the Corps of Topographical Engineers during the fiscal year ending 30th of June:
At the beginning of the last fiscal year Lieutenant Colonel H. Bache was in charge of the Bureau and so continued until December 12, 1861, when he was relieved by Colonel S. H. Long. The officers of the corps have been almost exclusively on duty with the headquarters, of the several departments and armies in the field. The annual reports of the several officers, hereunto appended,+ show them to have been engaged principally in military surveys and reconnaissances, both general and special, connected with the movements of the several armies in the field; in the collection of topographical and statistical information for the use of the different commanders; in the construction of field-works and of batteries for the reduction of permanent works; the construction of block-houses for the protection of bridges; the laying out and construction of entrenchments in the construction of bridges and the control of the ferriage of troops; in the mustering of troops and in the supervision and disbursements for the sundry balloon parties in the service.
Ten officers of the corps are on detached service in the command of troops; and the casualties of service and promotions by the acts of August 3 and August 6, 1861, having reduced the number of lieutenants in the corps to seven by Special Orders, Numbers 170, of July 24, 1862, seven additional lieutenants, graduates of the Military Academy, who had been originally recommended by the academic staff for promotion in the staff corps of the Army, were transferred from the artillery.#
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Corps of Topographical Engineers.
*Report omitted.
+Subordinate reports omitted
#Remainder of report omitted as of no historical value.