914 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
Washington, December 2, 1862.
The following regulations will govern the recruiting service of the Army (volunteer as well as regular) of the United States, and are published for the information and guidance of all concerned.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Regulations for the recruiting service.*
911. The recruiting service will be conducted by the Adjutant- General, under the direction of the Secretary of War.
912. Field officers will be detailed to superintend the recruiting districts, and lieutenants to take charge of the recruiting parties. The Adjutant-General will detail the field officers, and announce in orders the number of captains and lieutenants to be selected and detailed for this duty from each regiment by the colonel.
913. A recruiting party will consist generally of one lieutenant, one non-commissioned officer, two privates, and a drummer, and fiver. The parties will be sent from the principal depots, and none but suitable men selected.
914. Officers on the general recruiting service are not to be ordered on any other duty, except from the Adjutant-General's Office.
915. As soon as a recruiting station is designated the superintendent will furnish the officer to be placed in charge of it with recruiting funds, and instruct him to make such requisitions on the proper departments (through himself) for subsistence, funds, clothing, camp equipage, arms, and accouterments, & c., as may be necessary. Superintendents will forward their requisitions for funds and supplies through the Adjutant-General.
916. Supplies of funds, & c., for the stations in his district are procured by the superintendent on consolidated estimates; these are made monthly for funds, and every six or twelve months for clothing, equipage, arms, and accouterments.
917. Superintendents, general and regimental, will make such transfers of funds, clothing, equipage, arms, and accouterments to their officers as may be required. In all cases recruiting officers will send their requisitions direct to their superintendents.
918. For subsistence to recruiting stations, see paragraph 1204, & c. When army rations are issued for recruits, savings on the rations shall be applied for their benefit, as in companies.
919. The superintendents will transmit to the Adjutant-General consolidated monthly returns of the recruiting parties under their superintendence, according to directions on the prescribed forms, accompanied by one copy of the enlistment of each recruit enlisted within the month. Enlistments transmitted through superintendents, general and regimental, will by them be subjected to a rigid
* With some material modifications these regulations are based on the Revised Army Regulations of 1861.