916 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
929. Any free white male person above the age of eighteen and under thirty-five years a, being at least five feet three inches high, effective, able-bodied, sober, free from disease, of good character and habits, and with a competent knowledge of the English language, may be enlisted. This regulation, so far as respects the height and age of the recruit, shall not extend to musicians or to soldiers who may "re-enlist," or have served honestly and faithfully a previous enlistment in the Army.
930. No man having a wife or child shall be enlisted in time of peace without special authority obtained from the Adjutant- General's Office, through the superintendent. This rule is not to apply to soldiers who "re-enlist."
931. No person under the age of eighteen years is to be enlisted or re-enlisted without the written consent of his parent, guardian, or master. Recruiting officers must be very particular in ascertaining the true age of the recruit.
932. After the nature of the service and terms of enlistment have been fairly explained to the recruit, the officer, before the enlistments are filled up, will reach to him and offer for his signature the annexed declaration, to be appended to each copy of his enlistment:
I, ---- ----, desiring to enlist in the Army of the United States for the period of five years, do declare that I am -- years and -- months of age; that I have neither wife nor child; that I have never been discharged from the United States service on account of disability, or by sentence of a court-martial, or by order before the expiration of a term of enlistment; and I know of no impediment to my serving honestly and faithfully as a soldier for five years.
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933. If the recruit be a minor under eighteen b years of age, his parent, guardian, or master must sign a consent to his enlisting, which will be added to the preceding declaration, in the following form:
I, ---- ----, do certify that I am the (father, only surviving parent, legal master, or guardian, as the case may be) of ---- -- --; that the said ---- ---- is -- years of age; and I do hereby freely give my consent to his enlisting as a soldier in the Army of the United States for the period of five c years.
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934. The forms of declaration, and of consent in case of a minor under eighteen b years of age, having been signed and witnessed, the recruit will then be duly examined by the recruiting officer and surgeon, if one be present, and, if accepted, the Twentieth and Eighty-seventh Articles of War will be read to him; after which he will be allowed time to consider the subject until his mind appears to be fully made up before the oath is administered to him.
935. As soon as practicable, and at least within six days after his enlistment, the following oath will be administered to the recruit:
I, A- B-, do solemnly swear, or affirm (as the case may be), that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposes whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States. (See Tenth Article of War.)
a NOTE. - While the country is in a state of actual war this time will be extended to forty-five.
b Where the recruit appears or is supposed to be under twenty-one years of age, he will be required by the recruiting officer to make oath to the "declaration."
c Enlistments made in the years 1861 and 1862 are for three years.