931 Series III Volume II- Serial 123 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
17. Superintendents will keep their depots supplied with sufficient clothing for issues to recruits and with the arms necessary for their instruction.
18. Commanders of volunteer regiments, batteries, or independent companies requiring recruits will make requisitions, approved by the commanding officers of their brigades, divisions, and departments, or corps d"armee, direct on the superintendents of the recruiting service for their respective States, who will furnish the necessary men, forwarding a descriptive list with them. Certified copies of this descriptive list will be forwarded at the same time to the Adjutant-General of the Army and to the adjutant-general of the State.
19. To facilitate the raising of volunteer regiments, officers recruiting therefore are authorized to muster their men into service as enrolled. As soon as mustered these men will be sent, with descriptive lists, to the camps of rendezvous, at which places the oath of allegiance will be duly administered by a civil magistrate, or an officer of the Regular Army - preferably by the latter. The cost of transportation from place of muster- in to camps of rendezvous will be paid by the quartermaster at the latter station.
20. When the organization of regiments accepted to be raised within a specified time is not completed at the expiration of that period, the companies and detachments thereof, already mustered into service, will be assigned to other regiments, at the pleasure of the War Department.
21. U. S. mustering and disbursing officers are detailed as such by orders from the Adjutant-General's Office. They will disburse the fund "for collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers." They will make requisitions for funds monthly upon the Adjutant- General U. S. Army. This fund is intended for the payment of all expenses that may be incurred therefor, as well as for the reimbursement to individuals of such amounts as have been already justly and actually expended by them in raising troops that have been, or may be, received into the service of the United States.
Reimbursements of expenses for organizations raised or attempted to be raised, but not actually mustered into the U. S. service, will not be made.
Claims of States for expenditures heretofore made by them in raising volunteers are provided for by separate and distinct appropriations, and will not be paid from the one now referred to.
22. Bills must set forth the place and time of expenditure, specifying each particular item and the amount; also the company and regiment for which the expense was incurred. They must also be accompanied by the receipt of the party to whom payment was made, and the certificate of the officer or person incurring the expense that the amount charged is accurate and just, and that it was necessary for the public service, for troops raised for the United States.
23. Among expenses properly chargeable against the fund "for collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers" may be enumerated: First. Rent of rendezvous or office for recruiting.
Second. Commutation of fuel and quarters for officers already mustered into service, when detached on recruiting duty.
Third. In organizing new regiments of volunteers the subsistence of the recruits prior to the completion of the organization will be chargeable against the appropriation "for collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers." After the organization of the regiments is