135 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
marshal, or some person designated by him (the drawer to be blind-folded), shall draw therefrom one name at a time until the required number is obtained.
74. The exact and complete roll of the names of persons drawn in the draft shall be entered by the Board in a book to be kept for that purpose, rulled and headed to correspond with the descriptive roll of drafted men. (Form 34.)
75. The number required to fill the call will be taken from this roll by commencing at the first name and taking in order, until the required number is obtained, all who are not, by the Board, decided to be excepted and exempt under the provisions of the enrollment act.
76. The names of the men thus called into service will be entered on "descriptive rolls" (in triplicate), signed by the Board. One copy of this roll will be sent to the Provost-Marshal-General direct, one copy to the acting assistant provost-marshal-general of the State, and one will be retained by the provost-marshal.
77. Certified extracts from this descriptive roll shall be made in duplicate by the provost-marshal for every party of drafted men sent off, and sent with the party to the officer to whom the party is to be delivered. One copy is to be retained by this officer, and the other is to be returned, with a receipt for the party as delivered to him on the back. The returned copy ill accompany the provost-marshal's monthly report to the Provost- Marshal-General.
78. The Board shall note on the roll book of drafted men, in the column of remarks opposite each man's name, the disposition made of him-whether called into service and sent to the rendezvous, exempted by the Board, replaced by a substitute, commuted for, deserted, or discharged as not being required.
79. The substitute whom any drafted person is authorized, by section 13 of the enrollment act, to furnish must be presented to the Board of Enrollment; and it shall be the duty of the Board to examine him and, if accepted, to place his name on the book of persons drafted, with explanatory remarks. His name will then be transcribed on the descriptive rolls of men called into service.
80. Certificates of exemption from the draft, by reason of haing provided a substitute, or having paid commutation money, shall be furnished by the Board of Enrollment according to Form 31. A discharge from one draft furnishes no exemption from any subsequent draft, except that when the person drafted has furnished an acceptable substitute, and has received a certificate of discharge form a preceding draft, he shall be held exempt from military duty during the time for which he was drafted and for which such substitute was furnished.
81. The Board shall furnish a discharge (Form 31) form further liabilities under the particular draft to any drafted person who presents a bona fide receipt, for the sum announced in orders for the procuration of substitutes, from the person authorized by the Secretary of War to receive it.
82. All persons exempted form the draft by the Board (section 14, enrollment act) shall be furnished with certificate of the fact (Form 32), and all persons "discharged" after the required number of able-bodied men shall have been obtained shall be furnished by the Board with a certificate (Form 33).
83. The character and amount of evidence requisite to decide the question of disqualification on account of age must be determined by the Board of Enrollment. Such disqualification should be clearly and