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be determined by the action of the President, upon the recommendations of the reviewing board.
11. In order to facilitate as much as possible the organization of the corps, the commanders of army corps and departments are authorized to transfer enlisted men, now employed on signal duty who have passed satisfactory examinations, to the Signal Corps, copies of the muster and descriptive rolls of the men so transferred being sent to the headquarters of the corps in this city, and the chief signal officers in each army corps or department are authorized to complete the signal parties under their charge by the enlistment of a sufficient number of approved candidates: Provided, That all officers and men now on signal duty who may fail to pass satisfactory examinations shall be returned to their regiments, and any officers and men retained in the service under the provisions of War Department General Orders, Numbers 92, who, in like manner, fail to pass satisfactory examinations, shall at once be discharged from the service of the United States by the commander of the army or department in an army corps or department is authorized to appoint, upon the recommendation of the examining board and subject to the approval of the colonel of the corps, the sergeants authorized for the parties under his charge, and, upon a like recommendation and approval, to designate the privates of the first and second classes.
13. Recruiting for the Signal Corps will be conducted under the rules prescribed for the regimental recruiting service. Enlistments enlisted men now on duty in the Signal Corps may re-enlist for the period of one or two years, and will be entitled to the benefits provided by the eighteenth section of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1863.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Washington, April 28, 1863.I. Whenever volunteer troops are mustered out of service the entire regiment or other organization will be considered as mustered out at one time and place, except prisoners of war, who will be considered as in service their arrival in a loyal State, with an allowance of time necessary for them to return to their respective places of enrollment. With officers and men of this class, commanidng officers of regiments and companies will exercise great care in stating in the remarks, on the muster-out rolls, the dates and places of capture, thus: Prisoner of War. Captured at ----, December ----, 18--.
II. Officers and men absent from their commands on detached service, sick in hospital, or paroled will be furnished with transportation by the Quartermaster's Department to the place where the regiment is to be to be mustered out, in time to be present at the said muster. If from sickness, or other proper cause, they cannot be sent in time, as above directed, they will be sent to the point indicated as soon thereafter as practicable. The transportation will be furnished upon the requisition of the commanding officer under whom the offer or soldier may be serving, or of the surgeon in charge of the hospital where he may be sick. The descriptive lists of the men will accompany them, and be turned over to the officer who may be charged with mustering