501 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
turbances in Franklin County.(See inclosure K.) The same day I addressed a letter to him (inclosure) of about the same tenor as that to Captain Phillips (J).
July 15 I replied to Captain O"Kean,a copy of which is herewith
inclosed, marked M. The same day I received an urgent dispatch from W. T. Ingram, the deputy for Franklin County, referred to by Captain O"Kean. A copy of said telegram and my reply is inclosed, marked N.
District Numbers 5, Captain James M. Allan, provost-marshal.- July 15 I received two letters from Captain Allan (see enclosures O and P), revealing grounds of serious apprehension.
District Numbers 6., Captain Abel Longworth, provost-marshal.- July 15 I received a very earnest and sensible letter from Captain Longworth relative to apprehended danger of mob violence in Joliet. (See inclosure Q.)
July 16 I answered Captains Allan and Longworth in substantially the terms used in my reply to Captain Westlake. (See enclosures R and S.)
As already stated, 240 cavalry and 40 infantry have been sent to Carbondale, Jackson County, to operate, as may be required, in Williamson and Franklin Counties, under the orders alternately of Captain Phillips and O"Kean. The state of affairs in those counties and vicinities, present and prospective, renders it almost certain that those troops cannot safely be withdrawn until the enrollment and draft are completed. Indeed, I fear they will be inadequate for the coming exigencies of the service in those two districts. Two other companies of cavalry are stationed at Quincy, headquarters Fourth District, for the joint use of Captains Woodruff and Westlake, of the Fourth and Joint Districts. The indications are that their services will continue to be needed in that quarter of the State and cannot be spared for duty elsewhere.
Upon receiving the inclosed letters from Captain allan and Longworth I instituted inquiries as to the remaining available force at this military station and find that it consists of forty infantry and eighteen cavalry, all told. It will be seen at once that in case of any formidable and extensive resistance to the draft in Illinois we are utterly powerless, so far as the military is concerned. As to the probability of such resistance, it can be judged of in part from the documents submitted herewith. I am satisfied that the enrollment will be completed without much further trouble, save in some three or four counties. But there are may indications that the disloyal elements in the State have reserved their active hostility for the draft, with the inauguration of which will come the real crisis in Illinois.
Several events have transpired since my review of the state of affairs, submitted in somewhat to lessen the hopeful opinion then expressed of the continued tranquility of this State. Prominent among these are the passage of the so- called "peace resolutions" by the State convention of the 17th ultimo, taking bold and open ground against the war; the public advocacy of those resolutions before the people by prominent political leaders, among whom is General J. W. Singleton, of Adams County, and others equally prominent; the alleged unconstitutionality of the enrollment act as promulgated by disloyal speakers and presses, &c. The growing influence of these things upon the masses, already predisposed to resist the draft, has been very perceptible, as was to be expected.
Still, I do not think that violent resistance will be recommended by any considerable portion of the leaders. They are with reason