624 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
should be, I left my headquarters on the 27th ultimo to make a personal inspection of the operations of the boards. The result of that inspection I reported to you on the 31st ultimo.
The examination of the Boards of the Second and Third Districts were entirely satisfactory to me. I did not make as detailed an examination of the operations of the Board of the First District, for the reason that Captain Conner, Seventeenth Infantry (whom I consider in every respect a very competent officer), was present at the headquarters of that Board, and had been since the 16th ultimo. His report is herewith forwarded. I have always regarded the board of the First District the most efficient one of the there in the State, and from Captain Conner's report and my own observations have reason to believe their operations have been instruct accordance with the law and regulations. Captain Conner is at present at this place, but returns immediately to Rutland, with instructions ot be present at the daily meetings of the Board and to note carefully their examinations.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Actg. Asst. Provost-Marshal-General.
Rutland, August 3, 1863.
Brigadier General T. G. PITCHER,
Actg. Asst. Provost-Marshal-General, Brattleborough, Vt.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your instructions I left Brattleborough on the 16th instant and arrived here the same evening, for the purpose of conferring with the Board of Enrollment and endeavoring if possible to prevent an open resistance to the draft in this place, which was seriously anticipated. A military force was at my disposal, which I was authorized to use should necessity require it. Upon my arrival here I found the citizens greatly alarmed. Rumors of threats on the part of the Irishmen in the adjacent quarries to destroy the court-house and other buildings, &c., were freely circulated.
The effect of the arrival of the troops at this time was very good, and a home guard (numbering about 130 men) was at once organized, and muskets were issued to them by the provost- marshal. The troops were marched to their camp and every measure which would be calculated to incite or provoke a disturbance was carefully avoided. On the day when the draft for this, the fourth Sub-District, took place there were no indications that the presence of troops would be necessary, and none were brought in from camp. Everything passed off in a quiet an orderly manner. The notices were served without opposition until the deputy came to the quarries in West Rutland, where he served a portion of them in one quarry and then came back. As he declined to return he was at once discharged by the provost-marshal.
The following morning another officer was sent out for this duty, who succeeded in serving a few notices, when he was surrounded and pelted with stones and followed by a large party armed with clubs and compelled to retreat.
As the next day concluded the limit within which the notices must be served, the troops were placed in close cars and the train run up within less than 100 feet of the quarries. The troops were at once placed in such positions as to be in readiness to act if required to do so,