875 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
Jeffries or myself that any credit whatever for the three-years" or six-months" volunteers, white or colored, has been made either to these Congressional districts or the counties comprising them, and the number ordered from these districts would seem to confirm that view of the case. Indeed, the number as compared with the previous draft is calculated to startle us. The number of drafted men called for by the President's order of 1863 is, I believe, the same ordered in the draft of 1862, viz, 300,000, and yet the quota of the whole State under the 1862 draft was but 6,000, or less by upward of 2,000 (and exclusive of the 50 per cent. margin) than is now claimed from three only of the five Congressional districts into which the State is divided, and this, too, in the face of the fact that is indisputable that the number now in the State subject to military duty is far less than at the time of the former draft.
I would be obliged to you, therefore, for such information as will furnish to me the data or mode of calculation by which the results you have stated have been reached.
After ascertaining the number with which the State is to be credited, another question arises as to the manner in which that credit is to be apportioned. In a conversation had with the Secretary of War on this subject about six weeks ago, and in which I called to his notice the injustice that would be done to some of the counties if they were not severally credited with the volunteers, &c., they had sent, he said that although he thought such subdivisions could not well be made, yet that before the principle of the apportionment was fixed he would have another conference with me on the subject. I saw him again on Saturday last, and, though our conversation related chiefly to other matters, it was expressly agreed by him that the colored troops from Maryland should be credited to the counties. To do this we must of course start with such a division of the subject would be the ascertainment of the number of recruits coming from each county, which I think we can find means of doing. The order for bly prepared before the late conversation with the Secretary to which I refer, but he will confirm what I have said.
Yours, very respectfully,
Washington, October 10, 1863-10.25 p.m.
Governor SALOMON,
Madison, Wis.:
The State of Indiana being in advance of her proportion and not liable to the present draft, in order to induce the raising a certain number of regiments in a short time, authority was given to the Governor to recruit eleven regiments, giving the bounty of $300. This was a special case before any general system was adopted, and is restricted to the specified regiments. The authority to the Governor of Ohio to raise new regiments was not acted upon, and has been revoked. The bounties you are authorized to pay are $100, as authorized by law for recruits, and $400 for veterans.