1001 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
ment consists of six companies of the First Battalion and four of the Second, and is thus capable of performing both provost and hospital duty wherever it is stationed.
The following statement exhibits the strength of the corps on the 31st of October, 1863:
Number of enlisted men who have been transferred to the
corps from armies in the field, hospitals, and conva-
lescent camps, to serve their unexpired terms of enli-
stment ................................................. 16,448
Number of recruits enlisted in the corps for three years
(men who had been honorably discharged on account of
wounds or disease contracted in service) ............... 1,431
Total .................................................. 17,879
Enlisted men discharged:
On account of disability ............................... 87
On account of expiration of term of enlistment ......... 1
By order of the General-in-Chief ....................... 1
Dishonorably discharged ................................ 26
Total number of enlisted men ........................... 17,764
The whole number of officers appointed in the corps to
the 31st of October, 1863, was ......................... 501
Number declining to accept appointments ................ 3
Number of appointments revoked ......................... 2
Number resigned ........................................ 2
Number dismissed the service ........................... 3
Total number of officers ............................... 491
Number of officers of each grade:
Colonels ............................................... 16
Lieutenant-colonels .................................... 16
Majors ................................................. 8
Captains ............................................... 166
First lieutenants ...................................... 169
Second lieutenants ..................................... 116
Total number of enlisted men ........................... 17,764
Total number of commissioned officers .................. 491
Aggregate .............................................. 18,255
Statement of the number of companies organized in each month.
Month. First Second Total.
Battalion. Battalion.
June 16 6 22
July 23 8 31
August 41 30 71
September 18 22 40
October 22 17 39
Total 120 83 203