Today in History:

1074 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


Washington, November 17, 1863.

As complaints have been made that errors have occurred in the enrollment of the national forces by the omission of persons whose names should have been enrolled, and by the addition of names of persons who, by reason of alienage and for other causes, ought not to have been enrolled, and as it is desirable that the department should have such information as may be necessary in order to do full justice to all parties, it is hereby ordered:

to all parties, it is hereby ordered:

I. The Board of Enrollment of each district shall have printed lists of the names and residences all persons enrolled in each sub-district prepared and exposed to public view in at least five places in each sub-district, and in as many more as the Board may deem necessary. Names will be placed upon these lists in alphabetical order.

II. Public notice will be given, by advertisement upon the list of names and in the newspapers, that any persons enrolled may appear before the Boad and claim to have his name stricken off the list, if he can show to the satisfaction of the Board that he is not, and will not be at the time fixed for next draft, liable to military duty on account of--

1. Alienage.

2. Non-residence.

3. Unsuitableness of age.

4. Manifest permanent physical disability.

III. Persons who may be cognizant of any other persons liable to military duty, whose names do not appear on the enrollment list, are requested to notify the Board of Enrollment, who shall thereupon direct the enrolling officer of the sub-district in which the parties reside to ascertain the facts and enroll the persons so reported if they are found to be subject to enrollment. These may avail themselves of the privilege of appearing as specified in paragraph I, as if they had been originally enrolled.

IV. Boards of enrollment will hear cases as provided in paragraph I until the 20th of December, 1863, after which no cases will be heard. As soon as possible thereafter a report of proposed corrections will be made out according to the printed instructions and transmitted to the Provost-Marshal-General.

VI. The names and residences of those proposed to be stricken off or added will be written upon sheets of consolidated enrollment lists (Forms 37 and 38), and transmitted ot the Provost-Marshal-General for the purpose of correcting the lists on file.



WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, November 17, 1863.


Wilmington, Del.:

MY DEAR SIR: I have the acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant in relation of English gunpowder, and to thank you, in the name of the Government, for the zealous efforts which now, as heretofore, you and your house have made to promote the interests of