Today in History:

1118 Series III Volume III- Serial 124 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


An officer will be assigned to duty at that post to take charge of the men on their arrival and make the necessary requisitions for supplies.

I have the honor to be, &c.,


Assistant Adjutant-General.


Washington, D. C., December 3, 1863

Governor TOD,

Columbus, Ohio:

General Barnard, a very distinguished officer of the Engineer Corps, has been detailed to make an examination of the lake coast, and report what temporary works are required to guard the lake shore from hostile invasion by rebels and pirates from Canada. He takes with him a letter of introduction, and he is directed to confer with you.


Secretary of War.


Washington, December 4, 1863.

Honorable E. M. STANTON,

Secretary of War:

SIR: I have the honor to submit the usual annual report of the operations of the Quartermaster's Department during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Acting Quartermaster-General.

On the 30th of June, 1862, the termination of the preceding

fiscal year, the balances in the hands of officers acting

inn this department (after deducting the disbursements

ascertained from accounts which had passed the required

administrative examination of this office) amounted, as

stated in the last annual report, to...............................................$131,591,956.60

To which are to be added:

1. Remittances first quarter of the fiscal year.... $48,042,199.84

Remittances second quarter of the fiscal year... 66,378,281.08

Remittances third quarter of the fiscal year.... 65,764,052.57

Remittances fourth quarter of the fiscal year... 62,315,987.00


-- 242,500,520.49

2. Proceeds of sales of property, rents of

buildings, &c...................................... 1,003,805.18


--Total amount to be accounted for................... 375,096,282.27

From which are to be deducted the disbursements

by officers, ascertained from accounts which have

passed the required administrative examination

of this office,viz:

Prior to the fiscal year the accounts which had

not passed the required administrative examination

in time for the last annual

report, viz:.....................$105,776,782.15

In the first quarter of the fiscal

year............................. 8,553,390.66

In the second quarter of the fiscal

year............................. 3,124,369.67

In the third quarter of the fiscal

year............................. 588,074.79

In the fourth quarter of the fiscal

year............................. 420,694.76





Balance due June 30, 1863, after deducting the

amount of disbursements ascertained from accounts

which have passed the required administrative

examination....................................... 256,632,970.24