Today in History:

317 Series III Volume IV- Serial 125 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


This would give us, for Mexico and Central America, 17,000. Let us say, in round numbers, 20,000.

If we pass to South America, we find, in Venezuela, a country coterminous with the slave colonies of Guiana, a considerable number of negroes. Bonnycastle estimated in 1818 that there were 54,000 negroes in Venezuela. a Codazzi puts down in 1841 49,782 slaves. b Negroes were employed in the wars of this Republic, and in these many are said to have perished. c It is certain they have not increased in late years. Bonnycastle's calculation for 1818 is probably a full estimate for 1860. But we have put the number at 60,000. New Granada appears to contain a larger number of negroes than any other of the South American republics. Cobb in his Historical Sketches of Slavery puts the total in 1853, at 80,000. d Bollaert, apparently one of the most reliable authorities, so far as his researches extend, estimates that in 1860 there were of the Ethiopian race in New Granada 80,000. e Colton in his Descriptive Atlas, 1860, apparently following these authorities, puts the population at 2,243,054, of whom 80,000 are negroes. We shall assume that to be the number. In Ecuador the number is small. Bollaert sets it down for the year 1860 at 7,831; f and Colton has the same estimate.

In Peru the largest proportion of negroes is to be found in the province of Lima. Hill estimates for the province 7,500. g Doctor Von Tschudi puts the slaves in 1847 in the same province at 4,792. h Bollaert estimates the total negroes in Peru at 40,000. i We cannot find, after much search, any estimate that seems more reliable than this last. In Chili there have never been more than a few negroes, either free or slave. The usual remark of the traveler (as Cobb, Schmidtmeyer, Mollina, and others) is that very few negroes are to this must be an error, for in 1825 slavery was abolished, without difficulty or disturbance, it is true, which would indicate that the number was small; but it is no small a number as Bollaert's estimate indicates would be made the subject of legislation at all. We have put down for Chili 1,000, which will probably cover all that are to be found there at this time.

In Bolivia, in a population chiefly Indian, amounting to about 2,000,000, we have no estimate whatever. "Few pure Africans," says Colton. 'Some few Africans," says Bolaert. Probably 3,000 may cover the total amount.

In the Argentine Confederation previous to the revolution of July 9, 1816, slavery prevailed, any many slaves had been imported- some directly to Buenos Ayres; others through Brazil. At the present time the negroes in La Plata are not numerous. There are a good many in Mendoza. The great mass of the population, however, are


a Bonnycastle's Spanish America, Vol.2, p.319.

b Codazzi's Geografia de Venezuela, 1841, p.241.

c Colombia; Its present State, &c., by Colonel Francis Hall, hydrographer in the service of Colombia, p.15.

d Historical Sketches of Slavery, 1858, pp.206, 207.

e Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches in New Granada, Ecuador, Peru, and Chili, by W. Bollaert, 1860, p.7.

f Work cited, p.94.

g Travels in Peru and Mexico, 1860, Vol.2, p.88.

h Travels in Peru, 1838-1842, by Dr. J. J. von Tschudi, 1847, p.64. Of the above 4,792 he says 2, 186 were males and 3,606 females. The negro population of Peru does not appear to have been due directly to the slave-trade.

i Antiquarian, Ethnological, and Other Researches in New Granada, Ecuador, Peru, and Chili, by W. Bollaert, 1860, p.115.
