433 Series III Volume IV- Serial 125 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
insurgents Confederate currency, I have come to the conclusion that no responsible representative of the Government could give circulation to that money, as an equivalent for value received, without compromising the Government of the United States, and laying the foundation for allegations that we anticipate and expect ultimately to recognize the insurgents.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
LOUISVILLE, KY., June 15, 1864.
Secretary of War:
SIR: Altogether six regiments of colored troops have been raised in Missouri and distributed--one at Memphis, two at Helena, two at Port Hudson, and one at Baton Rouge.
There are eighty-three recruits at Saint Louis toward the formation of the seventh regiment. The number of able-bodied slaves in Missouri in less than 3,000, and General Pikle is of opinion that no more than 1,000 can be recruited, as many of them are employed by their owners at fair wages. After the organization of the seventh regiment I shall take the recruits to fill up the regiments from Missouri in the field. I propose to send General Pile into the field, as he will have little further to do, and the senior field officer of the seventh regiment can superintend the service. General Thomas Ewing, jr., is raising a regiment in Missouri at large; has about 200 men. I am decidedly of opinion that but one regiment should be in process of formation at the same time. Either give all the recruits to General Ewing or transfer his men to the seventh regiment.
In Middle and East Tennessee we have the following colored troops: At Nashville there are the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Regiments, fully organized, reporting to the chief quartermaster for labor in his department. Also the One hundredth Regiment, organized from Kentucky recruits, fully; also two companies of the Fortieth Regiment, which will probably be ordered to East Tennessee to fill the regiment there. Also Meigs" Light Battery A, Second U. S. Colored Artillery. Also two companies of an organized regiment in the Tenth U. S. Colored Troops. Upon the line of the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad are the Twelfth and Thirteenth Regiments, fully organized and doing guard duty. Upon the line of railroad from Nashville to Decatur are three regiments and a fraction of a fourth, raised by General Dodge, doing guard duty. At Chattanooga, Tenn., are the Fourteenth and Sixteenth Regiments, fully organized, and doing duty on the fortifications. There are also at Chattanooga four companies of the Forty-fourth Regiment organizing, and three or four companies of the Forty-second Regiment (laboring regiment); organization going on. At Knoxville, Tenn., the First Regiment U. S. Colored Artillery (heavy) is organizing. This regiment has about 1,100 men mustered in. The above regiments, from the Twelfth to the Seventeenth, inclusive, were originally filled to 900 and 1,000, reduced by casualties to about 700 each.
I have just been shown the inclosed order of Major-General Sherman, which, in its practical working, I conceive, will stop enlistments from the colored men coming to his army. I consider the threat of imprisonment to recruiting officers especially harsh. Far better to