462 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
hardware of all kinds, except tools, sets of harness and parts of harness, wagons, &c. For the care and security of these stores I erected a temporary store-house on the wharf assigned to my depot.
On the 1st of March, in pursuance of orders from General Ingalls, I relieved Captain J. E. Jones, assistant quartermaster, and assumed charge of the depot field hospitals, in addition to my other duties. I placed a superintendent with a clerk in charge to attend to the current business and visited the hospitals daily.
After the dispersion of the rebel army I was ordered by General Ingalls to establish a corral at Burkeville, for the purpose of receiving surrendered property. I went personally to that place and established the corral and placed a superintendent in charge. The following number of animals and property was received from officers of our army, but not invoiced, viz: Four hundred horses, 1,300 mules, 101 wagons, and 90 ambulances. The animals I sent to Jordan's or Light-house Point, on the James River, a few miles below City Point, where I caused them to be grazed daily. They were in a wretched state from want of food when they came into my possession, but subsequently many of them were issued to our forces in excellent condition.
By virtue of an order from the Secretary of War, 1,500 animals were turned over to various officers for distribution to the poor and freedmen of the Richmond and Petersburg districts.
On the 1st of May, in compliance with instructions received from General Ingalls, I commenced to reduce the proportions of the depot by discharging the bulk of my employes; and by directions of the Quartermaster-General, through General Ingalls, I sold at public auction at Petersburg, Richmond, and City Point, 1,746 horses, 993 mules, 67 wagons, and 89 ambulances, unserviceable property, at prices averaging $25.40, $34.13, $9.02, and $23,05, respectively. The residue of my property, consisting in part of 1.028 horses, 2,074 mules, 573 wagons, 38 ambulances, and 3,340 sets of harness, I transferred to Captain A. T. Dunton, assistant quartermaster at City Point, and Bvt. Colonel C. H. Tompkins, assistant quartermaster at Washington, D. C.
In pursuance of Special Orders, Numbers 272, War Department, Adjutant-General's Office, dated June 2, 1865, I proceeded to New York, N. Y., and reported on the 12th of June to Brigadier General S. Van Vliet, chief quartermaster of the Department of the East, for assignment to duty, and was by that officer temporarily placed in charge of repairs of Government vessels during the absence of Captain J. R. Jennings, assistant quartermaster, which duty I was performing at the closing of this report.
The following is a statement of the public funds received and disbursed by me during the period embraced in this report:
On hand July 1, 1864............................ $59,779.75
Received from officers during the year.......... 594,028.50
Received from sales of property and other
sources during the year......................... 83,878.95
Total........................................... 737,687.20
Expended during the year........................ 634,806.06
Transferred to other officers during the year... 71,000.00
Remaining on hand June 30, 1865................. 22,881.14
Total........................................... 737,687.20