467 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
into consideration that the army was in no position to be supplied by means of water transports.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was our only dependence, and great credit is due to the officers of the road for the manner in which supplies were forwarded, and for the promptness in complying with any demands of the commanding general relative to the movements of troops and supplies. It is also becoming in me to mention the efficiency of the chief quartermaster's department, West Virginia, e. I am also indebted to Captain James T. Wray, assistant quartermaster, then depot quartermaster at Martinsburg, for the interest manifested by him in the success of the army in the field, and for the manner in which the quartermaster's department at Martinsburg was conducted by him. His duties were arduous, but were discharged with ability and to my entire satisfaction.
Late in the month of November, 1864, the U. S. Military Railroad Department succeeded in completing the railroad from Harper's Ferry to Stephenson's Station, a point about five miles from Winchester, that being deemed by General Sheridan the most practicable point for the terminus of the road.
Field repair shops were here established under the immediate direction of Captain James T. Wray, assistant quartermaster, who had been ordered here from Martinsburg. These shops were calculated to keep thoroughly in repair all wagons and ambulances in the army, and to keep the animals well shod, so that in the spring, an active campaign being contemplated, on close inspection the transportation was found to be in as good condition as any in the field, and fit for any emergency.
It affords me great pleasure to testify to the untiring energy displayed by Mr. O. H. Dorrance, the efficient superintendent of the road, and I can safely say that no effort was left unmade by him to answer promptly the requirements of the army to be supplied by the road.
This road being completed, the necessity of running large trains from Martinsburg to points in the field (sometimes 100 miles distant) was obviated, and the transportation of the army was permitted to recuperate. After the successful series of battles in the fall of 1864 in the Shenandoah Valley, the veteran and distinguished Sixth Corps was again sent to the Army of the Potomac. This movement was conducted with celerity and reflects great credit on the Military Railroad and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad companies. The trains belonging to the corps, which were in splendid condition were sent vi, Md., to Washington, D. C. The Provisional Division of the army was then transferred to the Army of the James. No discredit can be attached to any one for the manner in which this movement was conducted. Later in the winter one division of the late Nineteenth Army Corps was shipped en route for Savannah, Ga., which movement was conducted with ability. That portion of the Army of West Virginia not including the cavalry was ordered along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in West Virginia. The army to which my immediate attention was attracted was now composed only of the cavalry-three divisions, numbering about 20,000 men and animals; one division of infantry, about 10,000 men, and six batteries of artillery. The great cavalry expedition under the command of Major-General Sheridan was now fitted out and on the 27th day of February started for the Army of the Potomac. All are conversant with the success which attended this expedition. The supply train of this command was sent to Washington. Soon after this expedition started, Major-General Hancock being in command, four regiments of his First Army