671 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
the same thousand 123 (nearly) were cavalry, 32 were artillery, and 845 (nearly) were infantry.
The proportions which the cavalry, artillery, and infantry of the three service separately furnished to this same battle mortality of one thousand are also exhibited.
The ratios, comparing the three services-regulars, volunteers, and colored troops-with each other, are not only interesting, but become important when viewed in connection with the fact that the ratios per thousand of men furnished to the Army by the three services were: Regulars, 25.29; volunteers, 904.13; colored troops, 70.58. Thus it appears that to every thousand of men killed in battle or died of wounds, the volunteer contributed forty-three more than their proportionate number, the regulars four less, and the colored troops thirty-nine less.
It should be stated, however, that the proportion of men furnished as based partly, as far as the regular and volunteer services are concerned, on estimates, it being impossible as yet to give the numbers with perfect accuracy.
In this connection I take occasion to repeat that none of these tables and none of the interference derived from them are advanced as absolutely exhaustive or incontrovertible, and that I simply offer them for consideration as being derived from the most complete data yet compiled on the subject, and as in the main correct. I am confident that they will be found of great value when they shall be used as comparative data in constructing and correcting other similar tables which may be prepared by other bureaus.
Statement of casualties in the volunteer and regular armies of the United States, and the colored troops, divided by States and independent organizations, from the commencement of the rebellion up to August 1, 1865.*
Recapitulation of casualties in the regular and volunteer armies and colored troops.*
SECTION 1.-Proportional analysis of the table of casualties by States; ratio, 1,000.*
SECTION 2.-Proportional analysis of table of casualties.*
SECTION. 3.-Proportional analysis of table of casualties by armies and arms of service.*
Prior to March 3, 1863, a the Government was dependent upon voluntary enlistments for the recruitment of its armies. It was soon judged necessary by Congress to stimulate recruiting by offering to recruits inducements intended to compare favorably with the price of ordinary labor and at the same time provide means for the support of the family
a See Appendix, Doc.35.
* These tables (here omitted) are published in House Executive Document No. 1, Thirty-ninth Congress, first session, Vol. IV, pp.78-83. See also foot-note (+), pp.664, 665.