760 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
by a corps of competent clerks, and if no errors were detached after this second examination, they were placed in wrappers and filed by States and districts to be tabulated in future.
If, however, the surgeon making the report had not complied strictly with instructions previously issued, the report was returned to him through the acting assistant provost-marshal- general of his State, with indorsement enumerating the errors,and with directions to either forward a new report or the original carefully revised and corrected.
The stated medical reports are of two kinds, viz: "Monthly medical reports" and "Reports of the medical statistics of drafts" (Form 58); the former received monthly, and the latter at the close of each draft from each Congressional district.
The "monthly medical reports" were made by the surgeons of boards of enrollment upon blanks furnished from this office, being copied from the "medical record books" kept by the surgeons. These reports contained a complete and minute record of the physical examination of al recruits, substitutes, drafted and enrolled men during each month. The following data, given in the case of each man examined, will show more clearly the value of these reports, viz:
Date of examination, number ditto, name, age, height, complexion, color of eyes and hair,nativity, residence, occupation, measurements of chest, white or colored, married or single, physique, and result of examination, stating also the disease or disability for which the man was rejected or exempted.
"Reports of medical statistics of drafts" were rendered at the close of each draft, and were also made upon blanks furnished from this office (Form 58). Each of these reports comprised a series of four tables.
The first table exhibited the number of drafted men of each occupation physically examined, the number exempted for each distinct disease or disability alphabetically arranged, the number appearing before the Board, also the number of each occupation exempted under each section of paragraph 85, Revised Regulations Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau.
The second table exhibited the total number of drafted men exempted under each section of the above-mentioned paragraph and the ratio exempted under each section per 1,000 examined.
The third table by nativities embraced the vital statistics of all men examined under the draft for which the report was rendered, and the fourth table being a consolidation of the third.
The whole number of clerks employed or detailed for duty in this branch from its organization to the present date is forty-two; greatest number employed at any one time, seventeen; average number employed per month, eight.
A large proportion of the clerical force of this branch have been soldiers detailed from the Veteran Reserve Corps. A large majority of the citizen clerks had served in the Union Army or Navy previous to their appointment. Out of sixteen clerks on duty in this branch at present date, twelve have served in the Army or Navy and have rendered a total of forty-two years and seven months" service, making an average of three years and six months, or an average of two years and eight months for the whole force.
By a reference to Schedule A, a list of all commissioned medical officers who have been on duty in this branch since its organization may be found; dates when each officer was detailed and relieved, to what duty assigned, &c.