Today in History:

778 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


Table No. 145, showing the total number of recruits examined, the total number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined for each distinct disease or disability, alphabetically arranged, in the United States; also the total number examined, the total number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined for each disease or disability, alphabetically arranged, in each State,for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864, and January, February, March and April, 1865.

In the same manner as in the case of recruits, Tables Nos. 146,147, 148, 149, and 150 illustrate the medical results of the examination of substitutes.

Table No. 146, showing, by Congressional districts of each State, the distinct diseases and disabilities, alphabetically arranged, for which substitutes were service; also the total number examined total number rejected, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined in each district, for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864, and January, February, March, and April, 1865.

Table No. 147, showing, by States the distinct diseases and disabilities, alphabetically arranged, for which substd unfit for service; also the total number examined, total number rejected,and the ratio per 1,000 examined in each State, for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864, and January, February, March, and April, 1865.

Table No. 148,showing, by Congressional districts of each State, the distinct diseases and disabilities, classified, for which substitutes were found unfit for service;also the total number rejected in each district, total number examined, and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined in the United States, for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864, and January, February, March, and April, 1865.

Table No. 149, showing, by States, the distinct diseases and disabilities, classified, for which substitutes were found unfit for service; also the total number rejected in each State, total number examined, and ratio rejected per 1,000 examined in the United States for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864, and January, February, March and April, 1865.

Table No. 150,showing the total number of substitutes examined, the total number rejected,and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined for each distinct disease or disability, alphabetically arranged, in the United States;also the total number examined the total number rejected and the ratio rejected per 1,000 examined for each disease or disability, alphabetically arranged, in each State, for the months of September, October, November, and December, 1864,and January, February, March and April, 1865.

Tables Nos.151,152,153,154, and 155 have been compiled from the latest statistical records that could be obtained of Great Britain, France, and Belgium, and are given for the purpose of comparison with like statistics of the United States.

Table No. 151, showing the causes of rejection of the recruits found unfit for service at the headquarters of each of the recruiting district in Great Britain, in the ten years from April 1, 1864, to March 31, 1852.

Table No. 152, showing the number of young men exempted from military service on account of physical unfitness in France in each year from 1831 to 1843, inclusive, and specifying the various causes