875 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports
tion room, who prepares two lists of those accepted or not exempt, giving the sub-district where credited and regiment for muster, if a recruit; if a substitute, the name, and also that of the party for whom he is a substitute, and where enrolled or drafted; and if a drafted man, when and where drafted. (See Lists Nos. 1 and 2.)
List Numbers 1 is given as a certified requisition for muster to the provost-marshal, who proceeds to muster the recruits and enlist the substitutes upon this evidence of physical fitness.
The drafted men not exempt sign duplicate clothing receipts and separate receipts for the spoon, knife, fork, and plate, and which is required to be witnessed by the surgeon.
The drafted men exempted are furnished with a certificate of exemption (Form 31 or 32), signed by the members of the Board of Enrollment; the substitutes accepted sign their enlistment papers (Form 39) and their clothing receipt.
The names upon the lists are now called, and the men answering stand in file in the order in which the names occur, and those rejected and exempted are discharged from the room. The mustering officer now musters the recruits and enlists the substitutes.
List Numbers 1.
CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO, February 13, 1865.
For muster, enlistment, and service:
No. Name. Where credited. Remarks.
1 Thomas Bowers. Springfield 184th Regiment Ohio
Township and Ross. Volunteer Infantry.
2 James Perry Township and 179th Regiment Ohio
Williamson. Hocking. Volunteer Infantry.
3 Joshua F. Whip. Jackson Township Substitute for John
and Pickaway. Hammel, enrolled.
4 William Sheran. Wayne Township and Substitute for
Pickaway. Thomas Foster,
5 Daniel D. Huntington Township Drafted December
Hayley. and Ross. 21, 1864.
6 James B. Brown. Benton Township and Drafted Nov. 19,
Pike. 1864.
List Numbers 2.
CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO, February 18, 1865.
John R. Botkin, accept, subsist, and lodge the following-named men:
Recruit. 1 Thomas Bowers. Springfield, Ross, 184th
Do. 2 James Perry, Hocking, 179th
Williamson. Regiment.
Substitu 3 Joshua F. Whip. Jackson, Pickaway, for John
te. Hammel.
Do. 4 William Sheran. Wayne, Pickaway, for Thomas
Drafted. 5 Daniel D. Huntington, Ross, December
Hayley. 21, 1864.
Do. 6 James R. Brown. Benton, Pike, Nov. 19, 1864.
By order:
Captain and Provost-Marshal, Twelfth District of Ohio.
The recruits mustered sign duplicate clothing receipts, which are witnessed in due form; after which the names are again called, and the men, placed two and two, are marched to the clothing room to obtain their new purchase, and from thence to the barracks, where they are by the orderly turned over, with list Numbers 2, to the person in charge of the premises.