Today in History:

949 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


papers of Captain F. H. Ruger, assistant quartermaster, who was quartermaster for the road, but is since deceased:

Statement of purchases made by Captain Ruger.

Month Amount Month Amount

1864 1864

January $4,598.83 June $15,853.84

February 9,678.64 July 16,880.07

March 27,351.46 August 39,532.19

April 15,848.43 Total 153,881.51

May 24,138.05

Statement of amount paid for labor by Captain Ruger.

Month Amount Month Amount

1863. 1864.

November $10,576.67 April $60,369.50

December 11,440.70 May 57,789.61

1864 June 52,561.02

January 15,428.90 July 43,629.59

February 16,244.19 August 54,214.45

March 35,849.54 Total 358,104.17

The following statement is furnished by Lieutenant Colonel O. Cross, deputy quartermaster-general, Pittsburg, Pa.:

Statement of materials purchased by Lieutenant Colonel O. Cross, deputy quartermaster-general, U. S. Army, for the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad.

6,720,510 pounds iron rails, at $91.50 per ton.........$274,520.71

143,250 pounds spikes, at 6 cents per pound............ 8,595.00

75,000 pounds spikes, at 7 1/2 cents per pound......... 5,625.00

227,615 pounds chairs, at 6 cents per pound............ 13,656.90



Total.................................................. 302,397.61

The lumber purchased by Colonel Cross is omitted because it was used on buildings.

Statement of pay-rolls on the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, paid by the U. S. Military Railroad Department.

Month. Number of Amount of pay-

men. rolls.


September 1,195 $73,248.15

October 1,228 58,010.68

November 989 50,456.84

December 821 48,339.90


January 723 44,474.99

February 700 38,176.65

March 567 39,231.13

April 444 31,704.94

May 405 20,194.23

June 311 11,813.95

July 317 12,105.85

August 302 12,423.25

September 10 545.00

Total 8,012 440,725.56