Today in History:

951 Series III Volume V- Serial 126 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


occurred and make the necessary repairs without delay working, day and night when necessary. Under this arrangement small breaks were repaired at once any point on the line, even when the telegraph wires were cut and special order could not be communicated to the working parties. When "big breaks" occurred one or more divisions of the Construction Corps were moved as rapidly as possible thereto, either from Chattanooga or "the front." Construction trains loaded with the requisite tools and materials were kept ready at each end of the road to move at a moment's notice.

By order of General Thomas the work of reconstruction commenced on the 1st of March, 1864, and the road to Ringgold and a short distance beyond was completed on the 20th of the same month. The advance movement of the army from Ringgold took the place on the 6th of May, and the railroad was completed and trains run to Tunnel Hill early on the morning of the 9th. Fears being entertained by some that the tunnel had been mined by the enemy, a locomotive was run through it to test the matter, but it was found to be all safe. The enemy having fallen back to Resaca, the road was opened up on the 15th to Tilton while the battle was still in progress a few miles beyond that station, and next day the construction trains ran into Resaca with the advance of our army. The railroad bridge over the Oostenaula River was still burning on our arrival here, and the work of rebuilding delayed somewhat on consequence. However, we got fairly started to work next morning, and the bridge was completed and other necessary repairs made to the track, and the trains pushed forward and overtook the army on the morning of the 20th at Kingston. Beyond this point the track was immediately put in otion, but no farther, until the army again reached the railroad south of Allatoona Pass. I received General Sherman's order to built the Etowah bridge on the 3rd of June at Chattanooga, but owing to the delay in gettiion trains over the road did not reach the Etowah River until the night of the 5th, and then with only one division of the bridge-builders. The other division ordered to this work did not arrive until twenty-four hours afterward. The bridge was commenced on the morning of the 6th and finished at noon on 11th. There was an abundance of timber prepared on the line of the railroad for this work, but the trains sent to bring up upper were detained so long for running orders that we could not await for it, and a large amount had to be cut near the site of the bridge and dragged by hand to the work. Notwithstanding these delays this bridge, 600 feet long and 67 feet high, was built in five days and a half. As soon as it was completed trains ran to Big Shanty, which was made the depot of supplies until after the capture of Kenesaw Mountain, On the 3rd of July I received General Sherman's order to open the railroad to Marinetta. The construction trains were detained some time at Tunnel Hill by a small rebel raid on the road near Buzzard Roost, but reached Big Shanty on the morning of the 5th and commenced work at once. The road was opened on the 6th to Vining's Station, which is only ten miles from Atlanta. We commenced work on the Chattahoochee bridge by order of General Thomas on the 23rd of July, but next day received orders to stop the work, which was accordingly done at noon on the 24th. Orders were received on the 2nd of August to resume work, which was done at noon that day, and the bridge was finished and trains passed over it at noon on the 5th and ran within three miles of Atlanta. The Chattahoochee bridge us 780 feet long and 92 feet high, and was built in precisely four days and a half. No night