172 Series I Volume XXIV-I Serial 36 - Vicksburg Part I
Page 172 | Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI. |
I advised General Grant of this purpose in the following dispatch:
HEADQUARTERS THIRTEENTH ARMY CORPS, In the Field, near Vicksburg, MISS., May 22, 1863-1. 30 a. m.Lieutenant Colonel John A. RAWLINS,
Adjutant-GENERAL:COLONEL: The major-general commanding directs me to say that he has formed his lines, taken his positions, and is prepared. He has determined upon a feint upon the left. In case of the feint or attack, he will instruct DIVISION commanders to take and press every opportunity and advantage that offers. He is prepared to begin a cannonade at daylight this morning.
I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General.
P. S. -The major-general commanding further directs me to inform Major-General Grant that he was very much annoyed on yesterday by one of the enemy's batteries on his right, which poured a cross fire upon his lines. He desires that General McPherson may concentrate his fire upon this battery as far as possible early in the morning.
Early on the morning of the 22nd, preparatory to the contemplated assault of my infantry, I opened with all my artillery [thirty-nine pieces], and breaching the enemy's works in several places, silenced his guns. My infantry promptly following with their assault at 10 o'clock, pressed the advantage, of which I advised General Grant in the following dispatch:
HEADQUARTERS THIRTEENTH ARMY CORPS, In Battle-field, near Vicksburg, MISS., May 22, 1863-11,15 a. m.Major General U. S. GRANT,
Commanding Department of the Tennessee:GENERAL: I am hotly engaged with the enemy. He is massing on me from the right and left. A vigorous blow by McPherson would make a diversion in my favor.
JOHN A. McClernand,
Major-General, Commanding.
General Grant sent the following dispatch:
HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, In rear of Vicksburg, MISS., May 22, 1863-11,50 a. m.General McClernand:
If your advance is weak, strengthen it by drawing from your reserves or other parts of the lines.
Very respectfully,
U. S. GRANT,Major-General.
Again, I sent a dispatch as follows:
HEADQUARTERS THIRTEENTH ARMY CORPS, near Vicksburg, MISS., May 22, 1863.Major General U. S. GRANT:
GENERAL: We have gained the enemy's intrenchments at several points, but are brought to a stand. I have sent word to McArthur to re-enforces me if he can. Would it not be best to concentrate the whole or a part of his command at this point?
JOHN A. McClernand,
Major-General, Commanding.P. S. - I have received your dispatch. My troops are all engaged, and I cannot withdraw any to re-enforce others.
And again the following dispatch:
HEADQUARTERS THIRTEENTH ARMY CORPS, In the Battle-field, near Vicksburg, MISS., May 22, 1863- 12 m.Major General U. S. GRANT:
GENERAL: We are hotly engaged with the enemy. We have part possession of two forts, and the Stars and Stripes are floating over them. A vigorous push ought to be made all along the line.
JOHN A. McClernand,
Major-General, Commanding.
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