139 Series I Volume XXIV-II Serial 37 - Vicksburg Part II
W. A. Roberts,[George H.]Childs,[Jr.]Dolson, McDONALD, Bolton, Dickinson, and Bates, of the Twenty-first Iowa were conspicuous in the fight and behaved in a manner worthy of all praise. Capts. D. E. Hough, company A, and Chrystie, company H, and Lieutenant Freeman, company A, of the Eleventh Wisconsin Volunteers, were dangerously wounded while engaged in skirmish duty before the charge. All the officers and men of this gallant regiment behaved nobly, and are brave and reliable. Wisconsin may well be proud of her Eleventh Regiment. The Peoria Battery, lieutenant Frank B. Fenton, did good service. Lieutenant Fenton and his men deserve much praise for the cool and effective manner in which they served their guns, and for the promptness with which they moved their battery up to the enemy's woks and opened on them as soon as their retreat commenced. Special and honorable mention should be made of a. m. Lyon, esq., sutler of the Twenty-THIRD Iowa, a brave old man, who took a gun at the commencement of the battle, went into the ranks, fought nobly, and fell, mortally wounded. The death of Colonel Kinsman, of the Twenty-THIRD Iowa Volunteers, whose brave and gallant conduct is the theme of universal praise, fills the hearts of all who knew him with poignant sorrow. A splendid soldier, a perfect gentleman, and a finished to true manhood, his loss cannot prove less to his State and country than a public calamity to the officers and soldiers of his command, who had learned to love and respect him with an earnestness and devotion rarely equaled. His loss in irreparable, but he fell as the true soldier wishes to fall-in the moment of victory, when his county's flag waved in triumph over the stronghold of rebel treason, and died as the true soldier wishes to die, with Christian resignation and fortitude. To my staff much praise in due for the promptness they displayed in carrying my orders to different parts of the field during the progress of the battle. Captain E. G. White, twenty-SECOND Iowa Volunteers, assistant inspector-general of the brigade, deserve special praise for his coolness and bravely, and for valuable services rendered in reconnoitering the enemy's position. Captain Buford Wilson, assistant adjutant-general, and First Lieutenant R. E. Jackson, eleventh Wisconsin Volunteers, acting aide-de-camp, exposed themselves freely and rendered me good service. Finally, I cannot close this report without expressing my admiration for the brave men in the runs, to whose steadiness and determined courage in a great measure due the glory of the brilliant and decisive victory of Big. Black Bridge. To them I return my warmest thanks. A grateful country will see that their services are appropriately rewarded. The remainder of the 17th instant and the day after the battle as spent in collecting up, the arms and accouterments left on the battlefield by the enemy, in taking care of our wounded, burying our dead, and in recruiting our broken ranks. The Twenty-THIRD Iowa Volunteers, which had borne so distinguished a part and suffered so severely in the charge, was placed as a guard over the captured prisoners, and by order of Major General U. S. Grant, has since gone north with them, thus losing to me for the time being the services of this command. On the evening of the 18th, all transportation belonging to the army in front, captured small-arms, and artillery-having passed over Big