Today in History:

364 Series I Volume XXIV-II Serial 37 - Vicksburg Part II

Page 364 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

May 29, 1863.

MAJOR: I have the honor to report the following casualties in my command on yesterday. Hebert's brigade 2 killed; Moore's brigade, 10 wounded. Five of the latter casualties were caused by a shot passing through the parapet and exploding an ammunition chest.

I have just written a note to the engineer, giving the following information, viz: That Colonel Russel, commanding THIRD Louisiana reports, that one of the enemy's works in his front Jackson road is assuming the shape of a formidable redoubt, and another is being loop-holed for sharpshooter, also that General Moore reports his parapet too light to resist the enemy's shot, and makes the suggestion that cotton bales be placed against the parapet o the inside, and covered with about a foot of earth. I have asked the engineer to see to these two positions as soon as possible.

The object of the heavy firing of the enemy of General

's Moore's position early this morning 29th is not known as the shot passed entirely above the works.

I am, major very respectfully,

JNumber H. FORNEY,

Major-General Commanding.


ASSISTANT Adjutant General.

Headquarters DIVISION,

June 27, 1863.

MAJOR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the report of Brigadier-General Hebert of the operations on his line on the afternoon and night of the 25th instant. *

The enemy has now retired from the parapet, which he had blow up, and our forces reoccupy it this morning, the sand-bags which the enemy placed there serving as protection to our men. The enemy is digging again outside, probably mining again. The report of Brigadier-General Moore for the same time shows nothing of particular interest. The enemy opened upon him from their trenches a very brisk and rapid, ut ill directed, fire of small-arms, with some artillery, which did but little, damage. This was continued for about two hours and a half, commencing at 5 p. m. consistent.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JNumber H. FORNEY, major-General Commanding.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Headquarters DIVISION,

July 2, 1863.

MAJOR: For the information of the lieutenant-general commanding I make the following synopsis of the operations along my line during yesterday and the day before:

In General Moore's line, on the night of the 30th ultimo, lieutenant William Allen, of the SECOND Texas Regiment, succeeded in burning the remaining sap-roller on the Baldwin's Ferry road. He used turpentine fire-balls. At first the enemy pulled away the balls as fast as they


*See p. 371.


Page 364 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.