Today in History:

432 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III

Page 432 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

direction, but supposed toward Helena. General [J. F.] Fagan commands the brigade which was left to protect Little Rock. One brigade, commanded by General [M. M.] Parsons, of Missouri, was on the other side of the Arkansas River when he left-all infantry. Two or three hundred of Tappan's brigade deserted after they left Little Rock. Marmaduke's cavalry, reported 8,000 strong, he believed to number about 5,000. They were about Jacksonport, engaged in gathering conscripts and hunting deserters. They say that if the people of Arkansas could vote, they would vote the State into the Union by two-THIRDS majority. Every man who voted the Union ticket keeps out of the army as long as he can. They shot several men for desertion at Little Rock in the spring. We also learn from an apparently reliable source that the rebels planted six 6-pounder guns at Catfish Point, 3 miles above Greenville, yesterday, and will add six 12-pounders as soon as they can get them across the swamp. These batteries are said to be supported by 600 cavalry and 200 infantry. They arrived there late on Saturday evening. Catfish Point is 18 miles around and only one-half mile across, allowing them to fire two or three times at the same boat.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


JUNE 24 [23?]

The story of the deserters from Price's army in relation to Tappan's brigade is confirmed by a negro who came through from Arkansas, and who saw the brigade on the march as he came through. The deserters say that the object of this brigade was to go to Milliken's Bend, but that they heard that the brigade was about to cross Bayou Macon last Saturday from Delhi, when they met other troops returning from that direction, and did not go (probably the troops which had been drive away from Richmond.)

We have heard nothing more from the battery at Catfish Point, MISS., and there may be some mistake about it. The rebel troops have left the upper part of Bayou Macon, in our immediate rear, and have gone toward Delhi and probably to Monroe. Our mounted infantry were on the bayou opposite to Floyd three or four days ago, and could see only 15 or 20 men; were also as far up as Grand Lake, in Arkansas, yesterday and the day before, but could not find any rebel soldiers or pickets.


MEMPHIS, TENN., June 23, 1863.

Lieutenant Colonel John A. RAWLINS,

Asst. Adjut. General Dept. of the Tennessee, in the Field:

COLONEL: From the best information I can gather, General Price is at Jacksonport. His whole command since brought together is about 6,000.

The artillery which fired on the Platte Valley was one 6 one 4

pounder. They have sent for and expect two 12-pounders, and will put them in position about Island Numbers 35. If they get them, I will strike them.

The admiral should send gunboats to protect the travel from Island Numbers 10 to Helena. Three would do.

I have the honor to be, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Page 432 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.