Today in History:

499 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III


send them? All my spare troops are now with General Sherman, following Joe Johnston. I have had no news since the morning of the 9th. Sherman was then at Clinton, his advance skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry.


Vicksburg, MISS., July 11, 1863.

Admiral PORTER, Comdg. Mississippi Squadron:

I am just informed that Johnston has just sent a dispatch to Yazoo City to press all the negroes in the country, and set them to work fortifying. One thousand are already collected, guarded by two regiments of infantry; also that their fleet of steamers has come down to that place. Johnston claims to have repulsed Sherman and captured three brigades. As I have no news from Sherman confirmatory, I doubt the truth of this statement.

General Washburn informs me that the Yazoo River has risen 6 feet. Will it not be well to send up a fleet of gunboats and some troops, and nip in the bud any attempt to concentrate a force there? I will order troops at once to go aboard of transports.

Very respectfully,


HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE TENN., Vicksburg, MISS., July 11, 1863.

Admiral DAVID D. PORTER, Comdg. Mississippi Squadron:

ADMIRAL: Colonel [T. Kilby] Smith, who has just returned from Port Hudson, reports that a large number of cattle are now collected at Natchez, intended for the rebel army on this side of the river. I have just ordered a proper military force to bring the cattle for our own use. My troops will probably be ready to start in the morning. I am also sending a number of steamers, coal and forage, called for by General Banks. Among the many calls made for gunboats, will it be possible for you to furnish a convoy for this?

Very truly, your obedient servant,

FLAG-SHIP HAWK, Off Vicksburg, July 11, 1863.

Major General U. S. GRANT, Comdg. Dept. of the Tennessee:

GENERAL: Port Hudson surrendered unconditionally on the 9th instant. The steamer has just brought the dispatches.

As General Herron is all ready, allow me to suggest that he move up the Yazoo to-morrow morning, when I shall be all ready.

Yours, truly,


Vicksburg, MISS., July 11, 1863.

Major General N. P. BANKS, Comdg. Department of the Gulf:

GENERAL: It is with pleasure I congratulate you upon your removal of the last obstacle to the free navigation of the Mississippi. This will prove a death to Copperheadism in the Northwest, besides serving to demoralize the enemy. Like arming the negroes, it will act as a two-edged sword, cutting both ways.