Today in History:

616 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III

Page 616 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

JACKSON, February 5, 1863.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON, Richmond, Va.:

Large numbers of deserters from Federal army are daily coming in. I respectfully renew my application to parole them and permit them to go home. Please answer.


JACKSON, February 5, 1863.


Assistant Adjutant-GENERAL:

Assign General [W. S.] Featherston to the command of Moore's brigade, Maury's DIVISION.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Vicksburg, February 5, 1863.

Major THEO. Johnston,

Commissary of Subsistence, Jackson:

About 4,500 bushels corn turned over by quartermaster. Please send the balance-15,000-forward immediately. It cannot arrive too soon.


Major and Commissary of Subsistence.

OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Jackson, MISS., February 5, 1863.

Lieutenant Colonel J. R. WADDY,

Asst. Adjt. General, Jackson:

COLONEL: I have the honor herewith to present accompanying report* from Captain W. M. Gillaspie, post and depot quartermaster, showing quartermaster's stores now on hand at this post. From an examination of the requisitions now on hand, I find that they can be two-THIRDS supplied, with the exception of tents, socks, and blankets. Major Anderson, quartermaster at Columbus, informs me he has 100 tents ready, with the exception of the rope, and has on hand material for the making of 2,000 suits of clothing.

As I am just collecting the hides taken from the public beeves, and Messrs. Knox & Co., of the Magnolia works, not having had time to complete the tanning of the hides received by them, I have not been able yet to commence the making of shoes at this point, as I contemplated. In little while I hope to commence the work on a large and, I trust, profitable scale for the Government. I learn from Captain W. M. Gillaspie, acting depot quartermaster, that he receives by purchase from different contractors throughout this department an average of 4,000 pairs monthly.

We have three depots for the procurement of supplies: Columbus, Major W. J. Anderson, quartermaster, furnishes about 700 suits of clothing per week; for the present, however, we are employing all the force there in the making of tents, 250 tents per week being manufactured. Enterprise, Captain G. P. Theobald, quartermaster, furnishes 25 wagons per month, 400 pairs of shoes, and 250 complete suits of clothing. Jackson, Captain W. M. Gillaspie, post and depot quartermaster, furnishes


*Not found.


Page 616 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.