Today in History:

662 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III

Page 662 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

makes it the duty of every officer to enforce the laws prohibiting illicit trade with the enemy, and every citizen attempting to engage in such trade must be arrested, and if it shall be discovered that any officer has permitted such trade, or failed to use his best efforts to prevent it, he will be at once arrested and sent to headquarters for trial.


HDQRS., Fort Pemberton, March 11, 1863-7. 15 p. m.

General J. C. PEMBERTON:

From all the information we can gather, the enemy's strength is five gunboats and about 5,000 men, indicating the advance of a large force.


Vicksburg, March 11, 1863.

Lieutenant-General PEMBERTON:

Unless you disapprove, I will put a water battery to enfilade the canal. Those now in position too far off.


JACKSON, March 11, 1863.

Major-General STEVENSON, Vicksburg:

Have already started two 8-inch naval guns and a 32-pounder banded rifle to Big Black, to go down by Charm; they along to the navy. You can send the two 32-pounder rifles mentioned on my last visit to Vicksburg.


HEADQUARTERS, Fort Pemberton, March 11, 1863.

Lieutenant General J. C. PEMBERTON:

A perfectly reliable spy, who succeeded in escaping and returning to-day, gives the following information:

Two iron-clads [one of them a ram] and seven other gunboats, including one mortar-boat, and twenty-seven transports filled with men [of the number could not form correct idea], comprise what he saw of this fleet, commanded by Generals Walker and Slack and Commodore Hull. Their avowed intention is to pass Yazoo City, with a view to operate in rear of Vicksburg. Seemed to be fully apprised of our strength in Yazoo City.



GRENADA, March 11, 1863.

Lieutenant-General PEMBERTON:

Yours received. Am prepared. [R.] McCulloch's cavalry ordered to fall back as enemy advances to cross to south bank of Yalabusha. If Fort Pemberton is attacked, near Dugan's Ferry, order so far only embraces McCulloch's command. What do you wish as to irregular cavalry, now above Tallahatchee River, in Panola and De Soto? Still hold one regiment ready at Dugan's [Ferry], by order of General Loring.

Page 662 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.