Today in History:

941 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III


lost a little property have no terror compared with the wail of fathers, mothers, and sisters whose loved ones have been slain in reckless fight, or with the just censure of a commanding general for having irretrievably scattered my command, lost my supplies, and suffered his railroad communications [to be] broken up by fighting odds that I could not hope to whip at best, and which, in case of a mishap, would be certain to crush me.

With many thanks for your friendship, for I do not profess to be beyond the reach of censure or applause, I am, your friend, truly,


HDQRS. DEPT. MISS. AND E. La., Vicksburg, June 1, 1863.

Major-General BOWEN, Commanding, &c.:

GENERAL: The lieutenant-general commanding directs me to inform you that there is not one single barrel or flour over the hospital supply, nor has there been for some days past. While he has to regret this, and still more your anticipated "discontent" and " disease in a day or two" in your command, he has to add that as far as investigated along the line, both by himself and inspector-general, very little, if any, complaint has been made by other commands on this subject. A city besieged, and an army cut off from all means of generous supplies, must be borne in mind both by officers and men, and a due and proper consideration given thereto, up to the eleventh hour, even, and certainly so in the initiatory stages of the fact. It is due to a patriotic and hopeful spirit that every forbearance, nay, cheerfulness, should prevail under the circumstances. Every energy is being employed to serve the condition of our good soldiers and to facilitate the DIVISION commanders in the judicious admixture, economy and healthfulness of food.

I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel, &c.

Major-General STEVENSON, Commanding, &c.:

GENERAL: It is the desire of the lieutenant-general commanding that all negroes not absolutely necessary for labor in the trenches or elsewhere shall be sent beyond the lines, and for this purpose you are authorized grant permits to them. In reference to the salt rations, you are authorized to increase it to the extent you may deem necessary and proper.

I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

HDQRS. DEPT. MISS. AND E. La., Vicksburg, June 1, 1863.

Major General C. L. STEVENSON, Commanding, &c.:

GENERAL: The lieutenant-general commanding directs that one ounce of lard be issued as a ration to General Bowen's DIVISION and other troops that may desire it; a corresponding diminution being made in the beef ration in lieu therefor. Further, that the full ration of rice