1053 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I
Page 1053 | Chapter XLVIII. RAPIDAN TO THE JAMES. |
Report of Casualties in Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, &c.-Continued.
Killed. Wounded.
Command. Officer Men. Officer Men.
s. s.
Pegram's battalion - 12 4 62
Poague's battalion 3 13 9 57
McIntosh's battalion 2 3 4 35
Richardson's battalion - 8 - 43
Lane's battalion 2 7 6 49
Owen's battalion - 9 2 22
Washington Artillery - 8 - 10
Total 7 60 25 278
Stribling's battalion 1 40 4 87
12th Virginia Battalion - 5 2 22
Moseley's battalion 1 17 3 47
Coit's battalion 2 29 - 27
Total 4 91 9 183
Breathed's battalion - 5 - 23
Other battalions not - - - -
Total - 5 - 23
First Army Corps - 41 - 154
Second Army Corps 9 82 18 263
Third Army Corps 7 60 25 278
Anderson's corps 4 91 9 183
Horse Artillery - 5 - 23
Total 20 279 52 901
Missing. Aggregate.
Command. Officer Men. Officer Men.
s. s.
Pegram's battalion - - 4 74
Poague's battalion - - 12 70
McIntosh's battalion - - 6 38
Richardson's battalion - - - 51
Lane's battalion - - 8 56
Owen's battalion - - 2 31
Washington Artillery - - - 18
Total - - 32 338
Stribling's battalion - - 5 127
12th Virginia Battalion 1 6 3 38
Moseley's battalion - 24 4 83
Coit's battalion - - 2 56
Total 1 30 14 304
Breathed's battalion - 51 - 79
Other battalions not - - - -
Total - 51 - 79
First Army Corps - 2 - 197
Second Army Corps 16 400 43 745
Third Army Corps - - 32 338
Anderson's corps 1 30 14 304
Horse Artillery - 51 - 79
Total 17 483 89 1,663
Armament of Artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia.*
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First Corps, Brigadier-
General Alexander:
Cabell's battalion 9 - - - 4 2
King's battalion 11 - 2 - - 1
Huger's battalion 5 3 4 2 1 8
Haskell's battalion 7 - - - 7 -
Total First Corps 32 3 6 2 12 11
Second Corps,
Brigadier-General Long:
Hardaway's battalion 8 - - 4 4 3
Cutshaw's battalion 5 - - 4 4 3
Nelson's battalion 8 - - - 1 4
Braxton's battalion 4 - - - 4 3
Total Second Corps 25 - - 8 13 13
*Original found among the Pendleton papers, dated by some one, and erroneously, June, 1863. Long and Alexander were not made brigadier-generals till September 21, 1863, and February 26, 1864, respectively.
Page 1053 | Chapter XLVIII. RAPIDAN TO THE JAMES. |