1090 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I
Page 1090 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter XLVIII. |
From May 10 to 21 the battalion was in line of battle at Spotsylvania Court-House, and on the 18th instant Dance, Smith, Griffin, and Jones were engaged. The enemy charged in heavy force and was repulsed easily by the artillery alone.
May 21.-Moved toward Hanover Junction and arrived at that place May 23. In line of battle until May 27, when the army again moved toward Richmond. The battalion encamped about 9 miles from Richmond, on the Mechanicsville road, May 28.
June 1.-Dance, Smith, and Griffin in position at Pole, Green Church, on Gordon's line (afterward relieved by Heth). The enemy charged about 6 p.m., and owing to the proximity of the lines got quite close to our line of battle before they were observed. A few rounds of canister broke them. They were easily repulsed without the aid of infantry. The battalion was in line of battle until the 5th instant near the Johnson house, and fired and were under fire nearly the whole time.
On the evening of June 7 Smith's battery reported to General Alexander, Longstreet's chief of artillery, and went out in advance of our lines and shelled the enemy near Matadequin Creek, while Dance and Griffin flanked the position, following the movements of the infantry, and fired nearly all the evening with slight loss.
On the 8th the battalion went into camp near the Snyder house, on William Gaines' farm.
June 13.-Moved to Savage Station.*
Numbers 293. Report of Brigadier General William Mahone, C. S. Army, commanding brigade, Anderson's division, Third Army Corps, of operations May 4-6.
----, --, ---.MAJOR: I obedience to orders this brigade broke camp on May 4 and moved down on the Rapidan near Willis' Ford, where it was charged with a portion of the line assigned to the care and defense of the division covering the left and rear of the army, then moving down upon the enemy, who had already crossed a part of his army at the lower fords of the river.
The evening of the following day (May 5) we proceeded to join the balance of our army, then confronting the enemy in the Wilderness, and encamped near Verdierville for the night. The next day (May 6) we were with our troops on the plank road, and where the fight was already earnestly progressing at an early hour. We were at once assigned a position in support of a part of the line of Lieutenant-General Longstreet's front, but very soon after were ordered to join and co-operate with Anderson's and Wofford's brigades, of that corps, in an attack upon the enemy's left flank. As the senior brigadier I was by Lieutenant-General Longstreet charged with the immediate in motion, and in a few moments the line of attack had been formed, and the three brigades, in imposing order and with a step
*For continuation of itinerary, see Vol. XL, Part I.
Page 1090 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter XLVIII. |