Mort Künstler Ornaments
Mort Künstler Ornaments

2014 Ornament

2013 Ornament
Mort Künstler, America’s premiere Civil War artist, has been donating the use of his artwork to Timber Ridge School, a School serving at–risk youth in Winchester, Virginia since 1969. He is involved in the design process and has final approval of each ornament.
At Mort’s request, 100% of the proceeds from the sale of his ornaments remain with the School to help reshape the lives of the students entrusted to our care. In total, over $750,000 has been raised through our ornament program.
Like Mort’s prints, his ornaments have become quite collectible. Ornaments from years 1996 - 2001 are sold out and have fetched some large prices on the secondary market. For example, the first year ornament Confederate Christmas, released in 1996, sold on the secondary market for $980.00; the third year ornament Southern Stars, released in 1998, sold for $490.00; and the fourth year ornament Wayside Farewell, released in 1999, sold for $315.00.
Our ornaments are manufactured by the ChemArt Company of Lincoln, Rhode Island. ChemArt is also the company who manufacture the annual White House ornament. ChemArt representatives have shared, “Less than 5% of ornament manufacturing is done in the United States and ChemArt is one of the last American manufacturers to keep the entire process on their premises.” We, at Timber Ridge School, are happy to be part of this 5%.
All ornaments can be purchased with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover card on the School’s website at Ornaments are $28.00 each and shipping is free. The ornaments are accompanied with a $15.00 tax deduction per ornament. You may call toll-free at 877-877-3026 to order your ornaments or feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
In 2003, we dedicated a residence hall in Mort’s honor; in November 2012, we created the Mort Künstler Endowment Fund to support the Mort Künstler Residence Hall and the programmatic needs of the students living in this hall. Please know that 20% of the proceeds raised through our ornament sales are earmarked for the Mort Künstler Endowment Fund while 80% is designated for our Annual Giving Program.
Timber Ridge School is a residential treatment center and day school which SHAPES young men - providing them Safety, Hope, Advocacy, Preparation, Empowerment, and Success. Your purchase/donation makes a difference and is appreciated.