History Walk Celebration Oct. 31
History Walk Celebration Set For Oct. 31
at New Bern Battlefield Park

NEW BERN, NC. – The rains from Hurricane Joaquin forced the re-scheduling of the New Bern Historical Society’s History Walk Celebration at New Bern Battlefield Park. But they are ready to celebrate now on October 31 from 1-3pm. You are invited to join friends, neighbors, state and local officials, re-enactors, musicians and more as the New Bern Historical Society celebrates the opening of its new History Walk and Plaza at New Bern Battlefield Park. The plaza features a 25 foot wide etched concrete map of the battlefield that will explain which units were here and what happened. In addition, 35 informational panels have been added to the Plaza and the Visitor Center giving the visitor more information on what the battle meant to New Bern and how it influenced our history. Be sure to get a guided tour along with refreshments. The celebration is free and open to the public, and will include music from Simon Spalding and the Craven Brass Quintet. Speakers will include Dr. Reginald Hildebrand of UNC Chapel Hill. To help celebrate the opening of the History Walk, the New Bern Academy, currently featuring a Civil War exhibit will be open free to the public. Also the Crockett Miller Slave Quarters in James City will be open with free tours from10 am to 5 pm.
The History Walk is a narrative path that begins at the new plaza and leads visitors through the park and battlefield. Interpretive panels highlight troops and military movements, place the battle in historical context, and relate the site to other New Bern and regional Civil War sites. The period covered is New Bern on the eve of war and the particular events leading to the battle, the battle itself, and New Bern under occupation. All panels will incorporate technology that allows visitors to access further in-depth information.
New Bern Battlefield Park is located about five miles south of historic New Bern, just off Highway 70 East at the entry point to the Taberna subdivision. This unique portion of the Civil War Battle of New Bern site is preserved in its original, natural state. Visitors are able to visit six of ten surprisingly well-preserved earthen redans. Its approximately 30 acres are a Federally-designated site of historical significance, owned by the New Bern Historical Society
For more information, call the New Bern Historical Society at 252-638-8558.