Today in History:

Preparations for Overlord

Preparations for Overlord


One of the WWII lectures in a series Dr. Ambrose gave at the University of New Orleans covers the preparation the Allies made for Operation Overlord.  By December of 1943 the United States and Great Britain agreed that they were going to open a front in northern Europe with an invasion of France.  When British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Josef Stalin in Tehran that November, the Soviet leader exover2pressed his anxiety and asked them who is going to command the invasion?  When they replied that they had not yet chosen, he didn’t take them seriously.  “If you don’t have a commander, you don’t have an invasion.” However, they were planning and the first obstacle was to pick the commander.
Roosevelt wanted General George C. Marshall or else his distinguished career may be forgotten and the President felt he deserved a field command.  Dr. Ambrose used the analogy that “everyone remembers U.S. Grant, but how many today revere his chief of staff?”*  However, as chief of staff, that would mean moving him from DC to London and it would actually position him as a subordinate to Eisenhower, who would take over as chief in Washington.  It would create a situation that would be diplomatically untenable.  Roosevelt asked Marshall directly who the commander should be and Marshall said, “That’s not my decision to make.”  Ultimately the choice was Eisenhower and Roosevelt even had Marshall pen the message to transmit to Stalin—Marshall actually saved the original handwritten note to give to Eisenhower as a souvenir.  With the choice made, in January 1944 “Ike,” who had the perfect temperament to deal with the major Allied players, arrived in London to take over as Supreme Allied Commander.
Eisenhower and his staff were to resolve four major issues: first, where to stage the attack?  Second, how do we keep the Operation a surprise?  Third, when do we launch the invasion?  And finally, the Allies had to devise a deception plan to ensure that the Germans are surprised.
General Eisenhower and the other British and American officers at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) accomplished these tasks.  How they got it done is the subject we study in depth on the Operation Overlord and D-Day to the Rhine tours.
*Lincoln’s Chief of Staff was Henry W. Halleck.  Dr. Ambrose did his doctoral dissertation on Halleck and subsequently turned it into his first book, Halleck: Lincoln’s Chief of Staff (1962).


