of Richmond; the Thirty-third, Henrico; the Seventy-fourth, Hanover, and Twenty-third and One hundred and ninety-seventh, of Chesterfield, will be added to the above. I have supposed that the course pursued by the governor in authorizing the calling out of the militia had met with the approbation of the Department, as the services of these troops are absolutely necessary on the Peninsula. I beg that this call may be sanctioned by the Department. I thinks I can arm all those who may come without arms.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. BANHEAD MAGRUDER, Major-General, Commanding.
HEADQUARTERS FIRST BRIGADE, Smithfield, Va., December 14, 1861.
To the HonorableSECRETARY OF WAR:
SIR: In every respect the battery at Hardy's Bluff is the most important of the defenses on James River in this vicinity. It is supported, nevertheless, by the very inadequate force of five companies, which number only 350 in the aggregate. Of these, one company, and that the largest, is detached a distance of some 2 miles, to protect a work at Stone House wharf. Under these circumstances I beg leave respectfully to recommend that the force at Hardy's Bluff be increased by the addition of five companies, so as to constitute a full regiment. The officer in command, Lieutenant Colonel F. H. Archer, is a soldier of experience, ability, and the most zealous devotion to the cause. If it were admissible, I would venture to suggest that his services already entitle him to promotion. The suggestions I presume to offer in this communication are prompted by a deliberate conviction of public necessity.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
ROGER A. PRYOR, Colonel, Commanding First Brigade, Department of Norfolk.
DECEMBER 17, 1861.
Respectfully forwarded and approved.
BENJ. HUGER, Major-General.
DECEMBER 18, 1861.
Respectfully submitted to Secretary of War. I know no better way to increase this force than to authorize General Huger to detail a portion of the unarmed regiment recently sent to him to serve at the battery at Hardy's Bluff. There are no troops in Richmond that can be sent anywhere.
S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, President of the Confederate States:
SIR: The grave interests with the defense of which I have been honored in this Peninsula must be my apology for sending the gentle-