Today in History:

330 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I

Page 330 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.

General Buell's permission to take the advance, and gave me a verbal order to cross Duck River at daylight the 29th. I inquired if the bridge would be done. He answered, "No." "Are there boats?" He said, "No; but the river is falling; and, d----n you, get over, for we must have the advance and get the glory." He enjoined secrecy, lest we should be prevented taking the advance.

March 28.-Went to Duck River to examine the fords; sent some of my cavalry in; river 200 yards or more wide; fords crooked. Fortunately, some army wagons return with forage and ford the river; the water just touches the beds of the wagons; current strong; water above and below, deep; no boats. Troops busy rebuilding bridge. General McCook's division encamped here. Sent orders to commanders of regiments to have reveille at 3 a. m. to-morrow and prepare to march.

March 29.-Reveille at 3 a. m., breakfast, wagons loaded, column formed; march commenced before it is light; reach the ford. The men are ordered to make bundle of pantaloons, drawers, &c., attach it to bayonets, and wade the stream. Cavalry were stationed in the river to point out the ford, break the force of the current, and protect the infantry, if necessary. The Tenth Brigade-infantry and artillery and train-crossed Duck River this cold and disagreeable day without accident; went 2 miles southwest of Columbia, Tenn., and encamped. The Nineteenth and Twenty-second Brigades came from their camp ground, 10 miles back, but did not all get across the river. Most of those troops and their wagons forded Duck River Sunday, 30th; bridge not completed. The division commanded by General T. L. Crittenden followed the Fourth.

March 30.-March about 4 miles; pass General Pillow's plantation and encamp on Captain Polk's plantation. The Tenth [Brigade] moves forward to give room to the troops crossing river.

March 31.-General Nelson directs me to conduct the march so as to reach Savannah, Tenn., Monday, April 7, as we are not wanted there before that time. Marched 10 miles, passed Mount Pleasant, encamp by a large stream; hear of some provisions about 3 miles off, belonging to the Confederates; send a detachment, and get six wagon loads of salt pork, &c.

April 1.-Marched 14 miles; encamped 3 miles after crossing Buffalo River.

April 2.-Marched 16 miles and encamped at Proctor's furnace, 5 miles from Waynesborough.

April 3.-Passed through Waynesborough; small Union flags on some houses; women ask to let the band play some old tunes-Yankee Doodle, &c. The music makes them weep for joy. March 15 miles and encamp. Very poor country, bad roads; land poor 5 miles after passing Mount Pleasant to this place.

April 4.-Marched 10 1/2 miles; rough, poor country, but little improvement; bad roads.

April 5.-Marched 9 1/2 miles over bad roads, and reached Savannah, Tenn., before 12 m. General Grant was not at his headquarters (Savannah), and no one to give orders. General Nelson ordered me to go into camp. The Tenth Brigade encamped on the southwest side of the town, about half to three-fourths of a mile from the brick house on the river (headquarters). About 3 p. m. General Grant and General Nelson came to my tent. General Grant declined to dismount, as he had an engagement. In answer to my remark that our troops were not fatigued and could march on to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., if necessary, General Grant said, "You cannot march through the swamps;

Page 330 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.