331 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I
make the troops comfortable; I will send boats for you Monday or Tuesday, or some time early in the week. There will be no fight at Pittsburg Landing; we will have to go to Corinth, where the rebels are fortified. If they come to attack us, we can whip them, as I have more than twice as many troops as I had at Fort Donelson. Be sure and call at the brick house on the river to-morrow evening, as I have an engagement for this evening." He and General Nelson then rode off. General Buell arrived about sundown. I called on him at his headquarters, about a quarter of a mile from my tent. The Nineteenth and Twenty-second Brigades encamped near the road before reaching the town. I was not at these camps. As the division is to remain here some days, I issue orders to the Tenth Brigade for review and inspection, to take place Sunday, April 6, 9 a. m.
April 6.-A beautiful, bright, pleasant morning. The men of the Tenth Brigade are putting their guns in order and brushing their uniforms for the parade. The officers are busy with their commands to have all in readiness, and Jesse Crane is polishing my spurs and preparing my horse and his rider to appear to the best advantage at the review and inspection ordered. The sound of distant cannon in the direction of Pittsburg Landing is heard; not an uncommon occurrence when near a large army. The reports are more numerous and the intervals less, and soon there is almost a continuous roar of artillery; distant, it is true, but as it continues and increases without any cessation, all conclude that a battle has commenced and is raging. The officers and men of the Tenth Brigade are more diligent in preparing themselves to march, to have arms and ammunition ready for the conflict. The preparation for parade and review is abandoned and all attention given to what is required in battle. General Nelson comes dashing to our camp at the head of his staff, and gives me orders to be ready to proceed to the assistance of the Army of the Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing either by the boats or through the swamp, if the officers and cavalry sent by General Buell and himself found a practicable route through the swamp. He went to the landing on the river to watch for the boats and said he would send me orders. The Tenth Brigade was soon under arms and inspected, cartridge boxes filled, every gun examined. The Thirty-sixth Indiana, Sixth Ohio, and Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; also Cox's Indiana battery, six pieces, horses harnessed, regimental teams ready to move, all prepared. If the teams and battery had to be left, a guard was detailed to remain with them. Having my arms and ammunition in order and the men ready to march and no orders from General Nelson, I rode to the brick house (headquarters), on the river, and there met Generals Buell and Nelson, both very impatient, as there was no appearance of boats coming down the river from the battle-field. Part of those sent to the swamp had returned and reported unfavorably. The others were anxiously looked for, and it was hoped would find a route practicable for infantry at least. The roar of artillery continued and rumors of our defeat were numerous. The boats appeared to be the only means of our reaching our companions in arms. I ascertained that my friend General C. F. Smith was upstairs, a cripple, and obtained permission to see him. He was in fine spirits; laughed at me for thinking that a great battle was raging; said it was only a skirmish of pickets, and that I was accustomed to small affairs. He said it was a large and hot picket skirmish. As there was no cessation, no diminution, and the sounds appeared to be coming nearer and growing more distinct, he said a part of the army might be engaged.
At this point an orderly came to the door and said General Nelson